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Tech@Fletcher Competes at Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge

The competition featured 22 teams from across the US. Fletcher students were all represented across the four teams that the school sent. Two Fletcher teams advanced to the semifinal rounds, and one Fletcher team won the award for Best Decision Document.
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The 9/12 Strategy Challenge simulates an evolving, cyber-focused international crisis. The event allows students to analyze the situation, synthesize a policy solution, and then brief that solution to a panel of judges roleplaying as the National Security Council. 

In addition to the learning aspect of the competition, Fletcher students expanded their professional networks through exposure to the Atlantic Council, a reception at the NYC McKinsey office, and guest speakers from the White House and U.S. State Department working on cutting-edge cyber issues. 

The 9/12 challenge was an exceptional learning and networking experience for Fletcher students that would not have been possible without the support of the faculty who served as coaches and advisors and the institutions within Fletcher that provided financial support, including the Hitachi Center. 

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