
At Tufts


  • Software Engineering
    •  This course covers the major concepts and techniques of software engineering, including understanding system requirements, finding appropriate engineering compromises, effective methods of design, coding, and testing, team software development, and the application of engineering tools so that students can prepare for their future careers as software engineers. The course will combine a strong technical focus with a project that will provide the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience in all phases and workflows of the software process.
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) & Internet of Things (IoT)
    • This course introduces the student to components of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems and technologies, scientific principles, and management structures supporting them. Students will be able to identify, evaluate, and categorize RFID System components concerning Industry Standards, discuss their suitability for various industries and applications, and relate them to the business needs of various industries and their career planning. Hands-on projects demonstrate practical problems and their resolutions when deploying RFID Systems. In addition, the course will describe the role of RFID in the advancements of the IoT and explore IoT Applications and Future Trends.  Practical skills like team-based problem-solving, business ethics, and critical thinking will be integrated into the coursework.


  • Radar Engineering
    • This course provides an introduction to radar system engineering. It covers the fundamental concepts needed to understand the design and operation of modern radar systems for a variety of applications. Topics covered include the radar equation, radar cross-section, radar clutter, detection and receiver design, transmitters, and antenna systems. Applications include pulsed, continuous-wave, frequency-modulated radars, Doppler radar, and synthetic aperture radar. Experimental tests and demonstrations will also be conducted to complement the theoretical analysis.
  • Antennas for Radar, Avionics, and Communications
    • This course provides an introduction to antennas and antenna arrays. Theoretical analysis and use of computer programs for antenna analysis and design will be presented, a with focus on linear wire antennas, loop antennas, microstrip antennas, antenna arrays, and the design considerations of using antennas in wireless systems. Experimental tests and demonstrations will also be conducted to complement the theoretical analysis.


  • Probabilistic System Analysis
    • This course is an introduction to probability, random variables, and random processes, emphasizing application to electrical engineering and science. Topics include probability concepts and laws, discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions and densities, sums of random variables, the central limit theorem, sampling, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

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