Published articles

  • Blackstone, N.T., Rodríguez-Huerta, E., Battaglia, K., Jackson, B., Jackson, E., Benoit Norris, C., Decker Sparks J.L. (2023). Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply. Nat Food 4, 596–606.
  • Webb P., Livingston Staffier K,. Lee H., Howell B., Battaglia K., Bell B.M., Matteson J., McKeown N.M., Cash S.B., Zhang F.F., Decker Sparks J.L. & Blackstone N.T. (2023). Measurement of diets that are healthy, environmentally sustainable, affordable, and equitable: A scoping review of metrics, findings, and research gaps. Frontiers in Nutrition. 10:1125955. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1125955 .
  • Conrad Z., Cyril A., Kowalski C., Jackson E., Hendrickx B., Lan J.J., McDowell A., Salesses M., Love D.C., Wiipongwii T., Zhang FF., Blackstone N.T. (2022). Diet Sustainability Analyses Can Be Improved With Updates to the Food Commodity Intake Database. Frontiers in Nutrition.


  • Sixt, G. N., Hauser, M., Blackstone, N. T., Engler, A., Hatfield, J., Hendriks, S. L., Ihouma, S., Madramootoo, C., Robins, R. J., Smith, P., Ziska, L. H., & Webb, P. (2022). A new convergent science framework for food system sustainability in an uncertain climate. Food and Energy Security, 00, e423.