

Since I last revised this website, my promised Schubert book has been published: Schubert’s Great C Major: Biography of a Symphony (Pendragon Press), and it’s a nice little item of about 125 mostly non-technical pages. I have included the cover and an excerpt.  Like most of what you can find here, these are downloadable as small PDF files.

In 2014 I published in a non-musical area, The Selected Letters of Bernard DeVoto and Katherine Sterne  (University of Utah Press), after working for twenty years on this family project.  The published volume amounts to only about one-fourth of some 800 letters exchanged between my father and a woman he never met; the rest is available on a website. Click here for an excerpt of letters from late 1938.

I have also completed a draft of another long-term project, a textbook tentatively titled Melody and Musical Texture, which is looking for a publisher.   It’s intended for the music-loving amateur no less than for the college or conservatory student.  You can read an excerpt of it here.  

Except for material already published in periodicals and books, for which I do not control publication rights, I regard everything on this website as freely available for copying and use by anyone without special permission, including my musical compositions.   But if any of my music should come to be performed, I’d be interested to know about it, before or after the fact.

Sometimes you can find me on “The Boston Musical Intelligencer.”  I’ve been writing for this now venerable Boston on-line journal for fourteen years and recently posted my 275th piece.