Select Publications

Worker Health

Davis, ME. Jobs, Health, and the Meaning of Work.  MIT Press, August 2024. (BOOK)

Davis ME. “Health Effects of Night and Irregular Shift Work: A Longitudinal Study of US Workers.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol 63(4):265-69 (2021).

Davis ME. “Piece Rate, Productivity, and Occupational Health in the Global Economy.” International Labour Organization and Better Work, Discussion Paper 44, October 2021.

Davis ME. “Does Piece Rate Pay Impact Perceived Occupational Hazards in Garment Factories? Evidence from Vietnam?” International Labour Organization and Better Work, Discussion Paper 26, June 2018.

Davis ME. “Pay Matters: The Piece Rate and Health in the Developing World,” Annals of Global Health, Vol. 82(5):858-865 (2016).

Hart JE, Garshick E, Smith TJ, Davis ME, and F Laden. “Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality and Vehicle Exhaust in Trucking Industry Workers,” Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 70: 523-528 (2013).

E Garshick, Laden F, Hart JE, Davis ME, Eisen EA, Smith TJ. “Lung Cancer and Elemental Carbon Exposure in Trucking Industry Workers,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 120(9): 1301-1306 (2012).

Davis ME.  “Structural Equation Models in Occupational Health: An Application to Exposure Modeling,” Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 69:184-190 (2012).

Davis ME.  “Occupational Safety and Regulatory Compliance in US Commercial Fishing,” Archives of      Environmental and Occupational Health, Vol. 66(4): 209-216 (2011).

Davis ME. “Perceptions of Occupational Risk by US Commercial Fishermen,” Marine Policy, Vol. 36:28-33 (2012).

Davis ME, Hart JE, Laden F, Garshick E, and TJ Smith. “A Retrospective Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Elemental Carbon in the US Trucking Industry,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 119(7):997-1002 (2011).

Davis ME, Laden F, Hart JE, Garshick E, Blicharz AP, and TJ Smith. “Predicting Changes in PM Exposure over Time using Structural Equation Modeling Techniques,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 6(7):396-403 (2009).

Garshick E, Laden F, Hart JE, Rosner B, Davis ME, Eisen EA, and TJ Smith. “Lung Cancer and Vehicle Exhaust in Trucking Industry Workers,” Environ Health Perspectives, Vol. 116(10):1327-32 (2008).

Davis ME, Smith TJ, Laden F, Hart JE, Reaser, P, and E Garshick. “Driver Exposure to Combustion Particles in the US Trucking Industry,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 4(11): 848-854 (2007).

Davis ME, Blicharz AP, Hart JE, Laden F, Garshick E and TJ Smith. “Occupational Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds and Aldehydes in the US Trucking Industry,” Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 41(20):7152-7158 (2007).

Laden F, Hart JE, Smith TJ, Davis ME, and E Garshick. “Cause Specific Mortality in the Unionized US Trucking Industry,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 115(8):1192-1196 (2007).

Smith TJ, Davis ME, Reaser P, Hart JE, Laden F, Heff A, and E Garshick. “Overview of Particulate Exposures in the US Trucking Industry,” Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Vol. 8(7):711-720 (2006).

Davis ME, Smith TJ, Laden F, Hart JE, Ryan L, and E Garshick. “Modeling Particle Exposure in U.S. Trucking Terminals,” Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 40(13):4226-4232 (2006).


Global Health

Davis, ME and A Rappaport. “Air Quality in Developing World Disaster and Conflict Zones – The Case of Post-Earthquake Haiti,” Science of the Total Environment Vol. 496:22-25 (2014).

Davis ME. “Recessions and Health: The Impact of Economic Trends on Air Pollution in California,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 102(10): 1951-1956 (2012).

Davis ME, Laden F, Hart JE, Garshick E, and TJ Smith. “Economic Activity and Ambient Air Pollution Trends,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 118(5):614-619 (2010).

Davis ME. “Economic Assessment of Children’s Health and the Environment in Maine,” Maine Policy Review, Vol. 19(1):36-45 (2010).

Davis ME. “U.S. Environmental Politics: A Study of State Toxic Metal Water Quality Standards,” Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Vol. 9(2):143-163 (2007).

Bowen B, Frankic A, and ME Davis. “Coastal Impacts, Marine Resources and Human Health,” Oceanography, Vol. 19(2):28-37 (2006).

Davis ME. “Environmental Politics in the US: A Study of State Sulfur Dioxide Standards,” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, Vol. 7(3):331-354 (2005).

Davis ME. “An Economic Cost Assessment of Environmentally-Related Childhood Diseases in Maine.” University of Maine, School of Economics Staff Paper 579 (February 2009).

Davis ME. “The Economic Burden of Childhood Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in Maine,” University of Maine, School of Economics Staff Paper 570 (October 2007).


Poetry in Pedagogy

Davis, ME. “Bringing Imagination Back to the Classroom: A Model for Creative Arts in Economics,” International Review for Economics Education Vol. 19:1-12 (2015).

Davis ME.  “Poetry and Economics: Creativity, Engagement, and Learning in the Economics Classroom.” International Review for Economics Education, Vol. 30 (2019).