Announcement: since we shifted to remote teaching, I have slowed the HW pace and intend to make the problems a bit more python-centric.

When new HW assignments are finalized, I’ll push them to this github repo for our class. Please use LaTeX (e.g., with overleaf) to write up your work.

  • HW0, due Wed Jan 22 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW1, due Mon Jan 27 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW2, due Mon Feb 3 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW3, due Mon Feb 10 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW4, due Tues Mar 3 by 10:30am (CoLab)
  • HW5, due Mon Mar 30 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW6, due Wed Apr 8 by noon (CoLab)
  • HW7, due Mon Apr 27 by noon (CoLab)