
Journal Articles

“Forget China: A Policy for an Interconnected Region.” Fletcher Security Review 8 (2021).

“戰略競爭?—Strategic Competition?” Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs 3, no. 4 (Winter 2020): 3-16.

“Phase Zero: How China Exploits It, Why the United States Does Not.” Naval War College Review 65, no 3 (Summer 2012): 123-135. With Brock Jones and Jason M. Frazee.

Edited Volumes

The Future of the United States-Australia Alliance: Evolving Security Strategy in the Indo-Pacific. With Andrew T. H. Tan. London: Rutledge, 2020.

China’s Global Influence:  Perspectives and Recommendations. With Michael C. Burgoyne. Honolulu, HI:  Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2019.

Book Chapters

“Philosophy and Policy: Why Ideas will Drive the Indo-Pacific.” In Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific, edited by Alexander Vuving, 3-11. Honolulu, HI: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2020.

“The Future of US-Australia Strategic and Defense Cooperation: A US Perspective.” In he Future of the United States-Australia Alliance: Evolving Security Strategy in the Indo-Pacific, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Andrew Tan, 196-216. London: Rutledge, 2020.

“China-US-Australia: Redefining the Strategic Triangle.” With Adam Lockyer and Yves-Heng Lim. In he Future of the United States-Australia Alliance: Evolving Security Strategy in the Indo-Pacific, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Andrew T. H. Tan, 141-160. London: Rutledge, 2020.

“The United States-Australia Alliance.” With Andrew T. H. Tan. In he Future of the United States-Australia Alliance: Evolving Security Strategy in the Indo-Pacific, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Andrew T. H. Tan, 1-12. London: Rutledge, 2020.

“戰略競爭?—Strategic Competition?” in China’s Global Influence:  Perspectives and Recommendations, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Michael C. Burgoyne, 22-37. Honolulu, HI:  Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2019.

“Synthesis.” With Michael C. Burgoyne. In China’s Global Influence: Perspectives and Recommendations, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Michael C. Burgoyne, 249-256. Honolulu, HI: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2019.

“Indtroduction.” With Michael C. Burgoyne. In China’s Global Influence: Perspectives and Recommendations, edited by Scott D. McDonald and Michael C. Burgoyne, 5-21. Honolulu, HI: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2019.

Encyclopedia Entries

“Autonomous Robots and the People’s Republic of China.” In Examining Internet and Technology Around the World, edited by Laura M. Steckman, 263-268. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2021.


“Sunzi, ‘shì’ and strategy: How to read ‘Art of War’ the way its author intended.” The Conversation, 16 May 2023,

“Why China feels threatened by the moral authority of a 90-year-old Catholic bishop.” The Conversation, 19 September 2022.

“The Battle for Taiwan Is a Diversion for America and China.” The National Interest, 20 April 2022.

“Wanted: A Strategy for the Indo-Pacific Region.” The National Interest, 7 Aug 2018.

“Forthcoming Asia Strategy Should Avoid Second-handed Pitfalls.” The National Interest, 26 Dec 2017.

“The Marine Attaché: Task Me…Please.” The Marine Corps Gazette 98, no 8 (August 2012): 43-44. .

Policy Papers

“A2/AD, A Profile.” SIG Scouting Report. Strategic Initiatives Group, 19 January 2016.

“To Win Without Fighting.” SIG Scouting Report. Strategic Initiatives Group, 20 April 2015.

“Archipelagic Defense.” SIG Scouting Report. Strategic Initiatives Group, 16 March 2015.