Spring 2025

Welcome to Tufts Monday Math Meeting. The talks are on Mondays, 12:00 – 1:00 PM in JCC 501 and will include food provided by the math department! Feel free to drop by!

The meeting is meant to serve two main goals: to expose participants to some mathematical concepts not taught in standard courses and to present ideas related to research.

As of Fall 2023, we expand our objectives to include two more goals: to foster connection between mathematics community at Tufts and other institution and to present ways in which mathematics is used in contexts other than pure/applied mathematical research. Talks will mostly be given by graduate students and undergraduate students. To reflect the new objectives, we invite speakers from other departments and institutions in addition to Tufts Mathematics Department.

This seminar was initially established by JinCheng Wang with the guidance of Prof. Christopher Coscia. The seminar is currently organized by Vittoria Cristante, Hikaru Jitsukawa, and Kate Wall. If you have any questions or would be interested in giving a talk, please email us!

1/27*Backup Date**Backup Date*
2/3Kally LyonnaisGraphs of Groups
2/10[No Speaker]
2/17[No Speaker][Presidents’ Day]
2/24[No Speaker]
3/3[No Speaker]
3/10Logo LouHyperbolic Groups
3/17[No Speaker][Spring Recess]
3/31Hikaru JitsukawaWorkshop for Potential Literature
4/14*Backup Date**Backup Date*
4/21[No Speaker][Patriots’ Day]

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