Submission site opens: July 15, 2024
Submissions due: September 10, 2024 September 20, 2024
Notification of  acceptance: September 30, 2024
Camera Ready Submissions due for the proceedings: November 15, 2024 (1 month after the workshop)

There is a growing awareness about the ethical and societal implications related to the use of data in AI and Generative AI. It is, therefore, critical to integrate Ethics into the curriculum of students in Data Science and Computer Science. As future practitioners, students must have the language and critical thinking skills to discuss the inherent normativity in building socio-technical systems. However, there are serious challenges in the implementation of normative elements in the curriculum of Data Science and Computer Science, namely the contrasting nature of these disciplines, poor collective knowledge and best practices, and lack of support and training for instructors in technical fields who wish to engage in these discussions.

The session on Methods for Teaching Ethics in Data Science aims to foster a reflection on the challenges associated with teaching Ethics in technical or quantitative domains, sharing experiences and progress made, and establishing core best practices. We aim to build a community that empowers data science instructors to teach the new generation of data scientists and tech practitioners. 

The 1st Methods for Teaching Ethics in Data Science (MTEDS) workshop took place on the Tufts campus in 2023. Building on its success, we organize a 1.5-hour session at ADSA 2024 on this topic with a companion workshop with the goal of developing a robust collection of accessible, high-quality case studies specifically designed for teaching data science ethics to undergraduate students studying data science-related fields.

This session will explore challenges and opportunities in teaching data science ethics. We welcome submissions that explore and contribute to developing best practices in teaching ethics in data science and related fields. Experience reports or position papers on this topic are both welcome. They could explore effective strategies for integrating ethics in data science discussions in the classroom to foster a culture of ethical responsibility among data science students.

All accepted short papers will be published on the ADSA24 website as part of the MTEDS24 proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to give 15-minute talks during the session.

Program Chairs
Andreia Martinho (Chair), Tufts University
Sarah Hladikova (Co-chair), Tufts University

Program Committee
Anna Haensch, Tufts University
Adam Poulsen, University of Sydney
Filippo Santoni di Sio, Eindhoven University of Technology

Submission Instructions and Deadlines:

Please submit your short (5 – 8 pages) paper (experience report, position paper, or other)  as a PDF document on Easy Chair here.