Not “news,” but don’t miss a TED talk with the director of the Met!
Here’s our weekly round-up of our favorite things that were said about museums this week: the good, the bad, and the really quite strange!
- A vistor to the Tate Modern tags a Rothko painting on display: Police hunt for Mark Rothko vandal
- Joining Egypt and Greece, Turkey makes headlines by demanding the return of objects from the Met’s collection: Seeking Return of Art, Turkey Jolts Museums
- Apparently there can be too much of a good thing: The Dance Is Over at Brooklyn Museum
- Joining forces with the glitterati, the Hammer raises $2 million: Katy Perry, Steve Martin, Rachel Maddow join Hammer celebration
- One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest becomes a museum: Mental health museum opens in Salem
- Taxidermy comes under fire: Texas museum criticized for euthanizing mules for exhibit
- Squeamish donors need not apply: Worms, anyone? Philly’s natural history museum to host party with menu reflecting diverse life
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