
Current courses taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:

  • Math 421 – The Theory of Single Variable Calculus – an introduction to proofs through the lens of calculus

For the 2018-2019 academic year I was selected as one of two Head Teaching Assistants in the Tufts math department. My roles included designing and leading the first year of the Graduate Development Seminar, a course on teaching and professional development for first year PhD students.

The Poincaré Institute at Tufts provides online graduate level math education courses to grade school teachers with the aim of improving the teaching and learning of mathematics. For three semesters (Fall 2015 – Fall 2016), I served as an instructor a small group of teachers. I also created and edited course materials, and I studied the effectiveness of the courses as a research assistant.

I was the instructor of record for Intro to Calculus during a summer term in 2018, for Linear Algebra in Spring 2020, and for Differential Equations during Summer 2021.

I have also served as a recitation leader for Calculus II (Spring 2019) and Linear Algebra (Fall 2020) and as a teaching assistant for Math of Social Choice, a course on evaluating voting systems and fair compensation and division (Fall 2017 & 2018).