An AIA-SCS Pre-Meeting Workshop, presented in coordination with the Society of Classical Studies. January 3, 2018.
This is a free, open workshop to be held prior to the start of the 2018 AIA-SCS Joint Annual Meeting.
Discover the methods, tools, and standards that built the First Thousand Years of Greek project. Attendees will learn about the project and opportunities for participation; receive hands-on editing experience; and hear advice on engaging undergraduate students in digital humanities work and building digital scholarship partnerships across professional and institutional boundaries.
The First Thousand Years of Greek is an international collaborative project between scholars, students, librarians and digital humanists that has created an open access digital collection of Ancient Greek texts that can be downloaded, modified, and redistributed to fully exploit new methods of analysis.
Presented by the Forum for Classics, Libraries and Scholarly Communication of the Society for Classical Studies. Sponsored by the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University. Co-sponsored by the The Center for Hellenic Studies; Harvard Library; and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University in collaboration with the Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at the University of Leipzig; Mount Allison University; and the University of Virginia Library.