Opportunity: Guerrilla Girls BroadBand INTERN OPPORTUNITIES

From Franklin Furnace Newletter: “Interns sought, Guerrilla Girls BroadBand INTERN OPPORTUNITIES:  Guerrilla Girls BroadBand, http://www.guerrillagirlsbroadband.com, is expanding their campus anti-rape project #GGBBCampus. Intern responsibilities will be between 5-10 hours a week consisting of project-related research. As 4th wave feminists, we take an intersectional approach to problem-solving and teamwork so we are open to working with women, men, NBs, GNCs, and transgender interns of all races, creeds, sexualities, etc. Preference will be given to interns who can use the internship as college course credit, but this is not a requirement. This internship can occur through telecommunication and/or in person. This internship will relate to areas of studies such as social activism and justice, arts administration, art, gender studies, politics, and communication. Please send your resume and a statement of interest to Alla Horska horska.alla@gmail.com  “

Opportunity: Gallery 261 – Call for Exhibition Proposals

Opportunity: Inaugural Frieze LIFEWTR Sculpture Prize For Emerging Artists

Deadline: July 1, 2019, 5pm  From the Frieze website “The Frieze LIFEWTR Sculpture Prize invites proposals for an original sculptural work to be unveiled in Rockefeller Center, New York City. The Prize includes a generous budget for production, research and development, artist fees and travel expenses. Applicants will be judged on the innovative nature of their idea and its potential for realization. Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel and chaired by Brett Littman (Noguchi Museum and Sculpture Garden). The winner will be announced in September, and their commission unveiled during Frieze Sculpture at Rockefeller Center in April 2020.”