
The overarching goal of the Engineering Staff Life Committee is to put forward solutions to improve staff life in the School of Engineering. We will take a hands-on approach to creating a supportive work environment and to providing direct feedback to the SOE leadership team from the SOE staff.

The committee is responsible for activities such as creating social networking events for SOE staff to interact with each other and the leadership team; collecting information about staff accomplishments to be highlighted in all-staff SOE meetings; supporting our onboarding training program called ENTER (Engineering New Team Entry Route); processing applications for professional development funding; and planning strategic initiatives that relate to SOE staff.

Comprised of staff volunteers from across the School, the committee meets regularly and always welcomes new members. Please reach out to us at StaffLifeCommittee@tufts.edu for more information.


Staff Life Committee Members

Courtney Russo (Chair), Brandon Mennillo, Lynne Powers, Magee Shalhoub