Scholarly Articles

Jaber, L. Z., Hufnagel, E., & Radoff, J. (2019). “This is really frying my brain!”: How affect supports inquiry in an online learning environment. Journal of Research in Science Education.

Dini, V., Jaber, L., Hammer, D., Danahy, E. (2019). Dynamics of scientific engagement in a blended online learning environment. Research in Science Education. 1-29.

Radoff, J., Jaber, L., Hammer, D. (2019). “It’s scary but it’s also exciting”: Evidence of meta-affective learning in science. Cognition and Instruction, 37(1), 73-92. doi: 10.1080/07370008.2018.1539737

Hammer, D. (2018). The interacting dynamics of epistemology and conceptual understanding. In T. Amin & O. Levrini (Eds.), Converging Perspectives on Conceptual Change: Mapping an Emerging Paradigm in the Learning Sciences. (pp.245-252). New York: Routledge.

Hammer, D., Gouvea, J.S., & Watkins, J. (2018). Idiosyncratic cases and hopes for general validity: What education research might learn from ecology / Casos idiosincrásicos y expectativas de validez general: lo que la investigación en educación puede aprender de la ecología, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 41(1), p. 1-48.

Jaber L., Z., Dini, V., Hammer, D., Danahy, E. (2018) Targeting disciplinary practices in an online learning environment. Science Education, 102(4), 668–692.

Phillips, A.M., Watkins, J., & Hammer, D. (2018). Beyond “Asking questions:” Problematizing as a disciplinary activity. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Watkins, J., Phillips, A. M., Radoff, J., Jaber, L. & Hammer, D. (2018). Positioning as not-understanding: The value of showing uncertainty for engaging in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55, 573-599.

Phillips, A.M., Watkins, J., & Hammer, D. (2017). Problematizing as a scientific endeavor. Physical Review Physics Education Research.

Jaber, L. Z., & Hammer, D. (2016). Engaging in science: a feeling for the discipline. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 25(2), 156-202.

Jaber, L. Z., & Hammer, D. (2016). Learning to feel like a scientist. Science Education, 100(2) 189-220.

Radoff, J., Jaber, L.Z., & Hammer, D. (2016). Meta-affective learning in an introductory physics course. In D. L. Jones, L. Ding, & A.L. Traxler (Eds.), Physics Education Research Conference 2016 Proceedings.

Jaber, L. Z. (2015). Attending to students’ epistemic affect. In A. D. Robertson, R. E. Scherr & D. Hammer (Eds.), Responsive teaching in science and mathematics (pp. 162-188). Routledge, New York: N.Y.

Radoff, J., & Hammer, D. (2015). Attention to student framing in responsive teaching. In A. D. Robertson, R. E. Scherr & D. Hammer (Eds.), Responsive teaching in science and mathematics (pp. 189-202). Routledge, New York: N.Y.

Hammer, D. and Radoff, J. (2014). Children doing science: Essential idiosyncrasy and the challenges of assessment. Commissioned by the Committee on Successful Out-of-School STEM Learning. National Research Council, Board on Science Education.

Appleby, L., Dini, V., Withington, L., LaMotte, E., & Hammer, D. (2021). Disciplinary significance of social caring in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematicsPhysical Review Physics Education Research17(2), 023106.

Doctoral Dissertations

Shaban, Y. W. (2019). Looking at Conceptual Change Dynamics in a Knowledge-Building Classroom (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (Order number AAT 13877466).

Phillips, A. (2019). Problematizing as “Doing Physics”: The importance of articulating, refining, and motivating problems in classrooms (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Tufts Digital Library (

Radoff, J. (2017). Dynamics Contributing to the Emergence and Stability of Students’ Scientific Engagement Over Multiple Timescales (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (Order number AAT 10621391).

Jaber, L. Z. (2014). Affective Dynamics of Students’ Disciplinary Engagement in Science (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (Order number AAT 3624707).