Medical School Executive Board

Alex Heisler, Co-Executive
Zachary Wallace, Co-Executive
Grace Serpe, Co-Executive
Ellie Janitz, Co-Executive

Graduate School Executive Board

[Daniel] Daniel Heller-Trulli, Co-Executive
M.D./Ph.D. Program


Daniel is excited to continue working with the BQA to advance LGBTQ issues on the Boston Campus. In his role on the Graduate School BQA executive board, he is interested in fostering discussion about the intersection between professional and sexual identities, and how diversity of experience is vital to scientific discovery and progress.

Faculty Advisor

Joshua St. Louis, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
Faculty Advisor


Dr. Joshua St. Louis is the BQA Faculty Advisor. A Massachusetts native, he studied evolutionary biology at Harvard, earned his MD/MPH from Tufts, and completed his residency in family medicine at the Lawrence Family Medicine Residency. He is core faculty at the Lawrence Family Medicine Residency where he maintains a primary care practice that focuses on HIV, viral hepatitis, addiction medicine, and transgender care and is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at TUSM. Twitter: @jhstlouis