Global Health Seminar Series 2022-2023
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 / 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

There are many physicians who, at one point or another in their medical careers, think, Isn’t there more to my work than writing prescriptions? Who felt inspired when Rep. John Lewis implored us to “never be afraid to make some noise and get into good trouble”? This lecture is an invitation to explore another way of fulfilling your commitment to healing and health: organizing and activism. Many physicians don’t see themselves as community organizers and activists. The reality is that a physician can care for patients and organize simultaneously both locally and internationally. Healthcare and community organizing are closely intertwined, wherein organizing is another practice that physicians can learn and adopt. This lecture examines the role of relational community organizing within health justice and global health practice. We hope you will be able to contextualize the five practices of community organizers in relation to different global health challenges. You will also understand foundational principles of relationship building as they relate to health activism.