Integrated Control of Schistosomiasis in the Eastern Region of Ghana Schistosomiasis

Global Health Seminar Series 2022-2023

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Schistosomiasis is regarded as the second most important parasitic disease after malaria. The distribution of schistosomiasis is skewed heavily towards sub-Sharan Africa Ghana is endemic, with an estimated country-wide prevalence of 23.3% and focal prevalence levels >50% with both Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni present. The collaboration between Tufts University affiliates and an array of Ghanaian institutions and research team began in 2011 and to date has yielded a robust number of peer-reviewed publications and engagement with over 70 communities in the Eastern Region. This work was produced by numerous researchers who represented institutions including Ghana Health Service, Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Community Directed Development Foundation, University College of Agriculture and Environmental Studies and the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. The lifecycle of schistosomiasis presents many opportunities for the interruption of transmission involving a range of possible interventions. The presenters will review the benefits of past collaborations but will also engage the audience in a discussion regarding how further progress may be achieved.

David M. Gute, PhD, MPH, FACE
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tufts University School of Engineering
Jeffrey K. Griffiths, MD, MPH&TM
Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine
Tufts University School of Medicine