
Application link

NOTE: we have a new project, Graphs Defined on Groups that is not listed in the NSF application portal, etap. If you are interested in this project, please state this in your personal statement.

The Visiting and Early Scholars’ Experiences in Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (VERSEIM-REU) is an intensive ten-week summer research program in applied and pure mathematics. VERSEIM is sponsored by the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates under grant DMS 2349058 and the Department of Mathematics at Tufts University. 

VERSEIM scholars will be mentored by faculty members and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics and the VERSE Program at Tufts University. Many of our events will be joint with scholars in the VERSE program and other REUs at Tufts University. Our program is aimed at students early in their college careers, and we are committed to enhancing the educational experiences of first-generation or underrepresented undergraduate students.


Where: Department of Mathematics, Tufts University

When: June 2 to August 8, 2025 (10 weeks)

Eligibility: This program is funded by the National Science Foundation and is open only to US citizens or permanent residents who are current students majoring in either mathematics or a related field at any US college or university.

Stipend: $6500 for the ten weeks. Students will also receive a food and housing allowance.

Questions: e-mail VERSEIM-REU@tufts.edu

Application: Please fill out the online application form at NSF ETAP linked below, providing the names and emails of two recommenders, and submit an unofficial transcript, a letter of motivation indicating your interests and career goals, as well as your preferred project(s), and a resume.

Early applicants will receive priority.  The regular application deadline is 11:59 pm on March 16, 2025.

Application link

Good News:

2021 VERSEIM scholar Elena Martinez published an article about her VERSEIM research in SIAM Undergraduate Research Online. She won an NSF Graduate Fellowship to go to Stanford University!

2022 VERSEIM scholars presented posters at the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings!

  • Elena Axinn, Calvin Osborne, Olivia Rigatti, and Helen Shi, presented a poster on their fractals project.
  • Claire Callon presented a poster on her limited data tomography project.
  • Adelyn Carney, Kelvin Chen, Genevieve Romanelli, and Amanda Tran presented a poster on their project on mean value operators on homogeneous trees.
  • Shay Lawrence, Adrienne Nolt, and Eduardo Pareja Lema presented a poster on their number theory project.

2023 VERSEIM scholars Adam French, Brandon Mukadziwashe, Lucien Petit, Russell Shahid, Kevin Tang, Kabir Tripathi, and Mandy Unterhalter participated and presented posters at the 2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings!

2024 VERSEIM scholars William Bender, Quill Nebeker-Monch, Andrew Sailstad, and Anvaya Shiney-Ajay will present posters at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle.

E-mail: VERSEIM-REU@tufts.edu