Library News

Gazebo on the Last Day of Finals
With the end of another academic year, the Vet Library will adhere to our summer hours through Aug 19. Have a safe, happy summer.
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Flower Puzzle
It took a little over a month, but the second puzzle of the semester is completed! Let's see if we can complete a third before the end of the semester.
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Cat & Book Puzzle
Our first puzzle of the Spring was out less than a week before it was completed! It's good to have the puzzle table setup again. Feel free to put a feel pieces in the next one while your tea steeps or your cocoa cools.
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Books on Shelves
Construction is completed. Now books must go back on the shelves. This process will be slow. However, the library will remain open. Also, if you are moving in the near-future, boxes are available.
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With Spring Break running Friday (March 8) until classes resume on Monday (March 18), Webster Family Library will have shortened hours due to fewer students on-campus. Our Spring Break modified schedule can be found on this page. Have a safe, responsible vacation. We look forward to seeing you when you...
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2nd Floor
The 2nd floor of the library has whiteboards as well as additional tables and chairs. Pay a visit to test them out, or to take your exams here.
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With the snowy weather and the possibility of being stuck indoors, check out a puzzle (or two) from the library to work on between lectures. We have dozens to choose from, on the short shelves.
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2nd Floor with New Bookshelves
Renovations are continuing in the Vet Library, with carpet laid, painting ongoing, and myriad other projects. The end is, hopefully, nearing with the space usable for part of the Spring semester.
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Library 2nd Floor Reno
Carpet installation has been completed as part of the library's renovation. Hope the rest of the process continues smoothly.
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Library Reno
Coring floors. Painting walls. Removing border. The list goes on as work starts in earnest to complete the Vet Library renovations. Throughout the process, we will have to close periodically for the safety and comfort of staff and users. Closures will be communicated via email, flyer, and website. Thank you...
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