Max and Herta Neubauer Chair and Professor of Economics
Department of Economics

04/24/2023 – Medford/Somerville, Mass. – Yannis Ioannides, Professor and Max and Herta Neubauer Endowed Chair in Economics. (Michael Last for Tufts University)
177 College Ave., Medford, MA 02155-6598
651 Joyce Cummings Center
yannis dot ioannides AT tufts dot edu
Phone:1 617 627 3294
Fax:1 617 627 3917
Department Office: 620 Joyce Cummings Center, 1 617 627 3560
- Fellow. Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory. December 2024.
- “Asymmetric Trading Costs and Ancient Greek Cities.” With Yuxian Chen and Ferdinand Rauch. May 13, 2022.PDF. CEPR D.P.17204
- “The Diffusion of Epichoric Scripts and Coinage in the Ancient Hellenic Poleis.” With Yuxian Chen. October, 2024. PDF SSRN wp.
- “Songlines.” With Sotiris Kampanelis and Aldo Elizalde. September 2023. SSRN wp.
- “Housing and Inequality.” With Rachel Ngai. November 2024. PDF.
- Corresponding Member, Academy of Athens. Εlected, June 8, 2017. Tufts economics announcement. Inaugural Lecture: “Cities Ancient, Medieval, Modern: An Economics Perspective.” June 5, 2018. Slides. Lecture. Details.
History of the page
click to view was originally designed and programmed in html by computer guru Kimon L. H. Ioannides at age 11; glimpses: Profile Publications Credits
Site given a terrific facelift in September 2014 by David Grogan