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Free Disaster Management Training from FEMA

Are you interested in disaster management?

Even if you’re not, this is a terrific opportunity to get some free training and a very useful line on your resume.

FEMA, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, runs a series of disaster management courses called ICS – Incident Command System. It’s basically a management system – figuring out who should do what and when, so that you have a plan in place if the worst happens. The overview for the whole program is here.

There are two ways you can take ICS training courses. The first, if you have a travel budget and some free time, is to go to FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute.

The second, more accessible way, is through FEMA’s Independent Study Program. There’s a wide variety of courses available. You download the materials, study at your own pace, and if you pass the final exam they’ll give you a certificate proving that you’ve passed the course. There are quick and easy instructions for enrollment here.


  1. James Baloyi

    would be interested in disaster Management for natural disasters and man-made

  2. masoumeh biglari

    dear sir/madam
    My name is masoumeh.I’m studding in conservation of cultural heritage in master degree at the university of art and architecture in iran. I’ m pleased you to help me to give me some information about:
    (( Proposing a policy for carpet museum’s disaster management with emphasize on earthquak )).I need these information for my research in master.
    I appreciate before your cooperation.
    Masoumeh biglari

  3. Phillippa Pitts

    Dear Masoumeh,
    I wish we were qualified to help you more specifically. Please do check through the links in this post, visit FEMA’s website, and best of luck in your research! I’ll let you know if anything relevant to your project comes up in the near future.

  4. ronke.ashaye

    I am interested in a course im disaster management in museum on line.How can i register and what is the cost?

  5. Phillippa Pitts

    Dear Ronke,

    As I said to Masoumeh, we were just posting in 2010 about FEMA’s course offerings. I do encourage you to check their website to see what’s available now in 2013!

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