Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Month: August 2011 (Page 3 of 4)

Center for the Future of Museums

We’ve posted about this before, but I just finished reading my weekly newsletter from the CFM and thought that a reminder would be in order.

If you are not yet following the work of the AAM’s Center for the Future of Museums, you really should be. This great group of people – check out this recent blog post for more info on everyone – is doing research and presenting big ideas that will help guide the future strategy of museums in America and all over the world. They’re looking at demographics, technology, social innovation, programming, community relations, and many other topics.

So – check out their website. Read their blog. Subscribe to their newsletter. Start thinking and contributing – it’s your future too!

A Strategic Plan for Your Career

Do you have a strategic plan for your museum career?

Lots of museums have five or ten year strategic plans, but have you ever thought of doing one for yourself? At the very least, some goals and timeframes will help you aim for where you want to be.

Linda Norris, an independent museum consultant and author of The Uncataloged Museum blog, has a great post up about Charting a Course; figuring out your own personal strategic plan.

The Missing Piece Documentary

August 21, 2011 is the 100 year anniversary of the famous theft of the Mona Lisa from the Louvre in Paris. The painting disappeared for two years, stolen by Italian artist Vincenzo Peruggia.

Joe Medeiros is a comedic writer who has been obsessed with the theft for most of his life, and to commemorate the anniversary, he’s produced a documentary trying to examine the real reasons that Peruggia took the Mona Lisa, and what he did with it during those two years.

Check out the trailer, and then check out the documentary’s website for more information. We’ll be publishing an interview with Joe in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that.

Fall Semester Approaching Fast

Heads up everyone: a month from yesterday is the first day of classes for the Fall 2012 semester at Tufts University.

Those students I’ve been hearing from haven’t been resting on their laurels this summer – the Tufts Museum Studies program has been venturing hither and yon, coast to coast, north to south in pursuit of amazing internships to gain professional experience and build resumes. Some have been plugging away at their day jobs. Some have been keeping on top of their game by taking summer courses.

So, we ask, regardless of what you’ve been up do…

Are you ready for the fall semester?

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