Did you know Iceland has more museums per capita than either the UK or the US? Fulbright Fellow Hannah Hethmon has made it her mission to share the stories of many of these museums and the professionals that run them. As part of her Fulbright project, she started the podcast Museums in Strange Places. Each episode explores the museum culture in Iceland and a specific museum. In Hannah’s words:

“Museums in Strange Places is a podcast for people who love museums, stories, culture, and exploring the world. This year, I’m living in Iceland, so in each episode, I visit a different Icelandic museum to discover what stories they hold and how they reflect and shape Iceland’s unique cultural identity, all from the perspective of a museum professional. Next year…I’ll be somewhere else in Europe!”

So if you’re among the millions of people recently obsessed with Iceland, or if you just want some help letting your thoughts escape the gray days of winter, check out Hannah’s podcast and be immersed in the stories of Iceland. Who knows – you might just find yourself buying a plane ticket halfway across the pond!

And if you’re looking for more museum podcasts, check out Hannah’s Complete List of Podcasts for Museum Professionals and Museum Hack’s Eleven Must-Listen Museum Podcasts. Have a favorite museum-related podcast of your own? Let us know in the comments! Happy listening!