Archive of Previous Seminars


Spring 2024





Fall 2023



Spring 2023

Fall 2022

  • Sep 19 | Chris Dock (Tufts) | “Lipschitz stability of U(r) Phase Retrieval”
  • Sep 26 | Clare Wickman Lau (JHU APL) | “Wasserstein Gradient Flows for Potentials in Frame Theory”
  • Oct 3 | Noel Walkington (CMU) | “Numerical Approximation of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media”
  • Oct 11 | Erin C. Munro Krull (Ripon College) | “Why strengthening electronic connections between cells may hinder propagation between them.”
  • Oct 17 | Yekaterina Epshteyn (University of Utah) | “Grain Structure, Grain Growth and Evolution of the Grain Boundary Network”
  • Oct 24 | Karamatou Yacoubou Djima (Wellesley) | “Extracting Autism’s Biomarkers in Placenta Using Multiscale Methods”
  • Oct 31 | Hung M. Phan (UMass Lowell) | “Splitting algorithms and applications in spatial design problems.”
  • Nov 7 | Patrick Farrell (Oxford) | “Optimal-complexity multigrid Solvers for high-order discretisations of the de Rham Complex”
  • Nov 14 | Arkadz Kirshtein (Tufts) | “Biomedical and Physical Applied Modeling”
  • Nov 21 | Radu Balan (UMD) | “Optimal l1 factorizations of positive semidefinite matrices”
  • Nov 28 | Tal Shnitzer (MIT) | “Diffusion Operators for Data Fusion with Symmetric Positive Definite Geometry”

Spring 2022

  • Jan 31 | Ioannis Vlachos (BIDMC, Harvard) | “Spatial Tissue Profiling: The resolution revolution and first major challenges”
  • Feb 7 | Casey Cavanaugh (Tufts) | “Structure-preserving discretizations for partial differential equations”
  • Feb 14 | Shawn D. Ryan (CSU) | “Mathematics Provides Insight into Self-Organization in Biological Systems”
  • Feb 28 | Anna Haensch (DISC, Tufts) | “How to Hang Art: A Recommender System for Equitable Public Art Installation”
  • Mar 7 | Mirjeta Pasha (Arizona State University) | “On deterministic and statistical methods for large-scale dynamic inverse problems”
  • Mar 14 | Monika Nitsche (University of New Mexico) | “Accurate near-interface velocity evaluation in vortex sheet and multi-nested Stokes flow”
  • Mar 28 | Olga Doronina (NREL) | “Grassmannian Shape Representations for Aerodynamic Applications”
  • Apr 4 | Enric Boix (MIT) | “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multimarginal Optimal Transport Problems with Structure”
  • Apr 11 | Maria Teresa Chiri (Penn State) | “Controlling the spread of invasive biological species”
  • Apr 25 | David Emerson | “Deflation and Continuation Techniques for Detecting Liquid Crystal Equilibrium States”
  • May 2 | Maryam Abdolali (Université de Mons) | “Subspace Clustering: Algorithms, Applications and Challenges”

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

  • Sep 23 |  Jan Nordbotten (U. Bergen, Norway) | “Mixed-dimensional Modeling and Simulation.”
  • Sep 30 | Demba Ba (Harvard)| “Deeply-Sparse Signal Representations.”
  • Oct 7 | Michael Mascagni (FSU) | “The White Rat of Numerical Reproducibility.”
  • Oct 21 | Abiy Tasissa (Tufts) | “Reconstructing point sets using low-rank regularization.”
  • Nov 04 | Julio Castrillon (BU) | “Large Scale Kriging: A High Performance Multi-Level Computational Mathematics Approach.”
  • Nov 18 |Bruce Boghosian (Tufts) | “A new pathology in floating-point simulations of chaotic dynamical systems.”
  • Nov 25 | Andrea Arnold (WPI) | “Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification of Time-Varying Parameters via Parameter Tracking.”
  • Dec 02 | Nathaniel Trask (Sandia National Lab) | “Compatible meshfree discretization.
  • Dec 9 | Yanghui Liu (Tufts)| “Anticipative Nonlinear Filtering.”

Spring 2019

  • Feb 4 | Daniel Sussman (BU) | “Multiple Network Inference: From Joint Embeddings to Graph Matching.”
  • Feb 11 | Maurice Fabien (Rice) | “Multigrid techniques for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods with application to porous media flows.”
  • Mar 4 | Carmen Rodrigo (Zaragoza, Spain) | “Robust multigrid solver for mixed-dimensional models for flow in fractured porous media.”
  • Mar 11 | Zhiping Mao (Brown) | “Efficient and Accurate Single/Multi-domain Spectral Methods for Fractional Diffusion Equations.”
  • Mar 25 | Anna Little |  “Theoretical Guarantees and Exact Cluster Recovery for Classical Multidimensional Scaling.”
  • Apr 3 | Lisa Claus (Wuppertal, Germany) | “Algebraic Multigrid Smoothers for Maxwell’s equations.”
  • Apr 24 | James Brannick (Penn State) | “Algebraic Multigrid: Theory and Practice.”
  • Apr 29| Xu Zhang  (Miss. St.) | “Immersed Finite Element Method for Interface Problems: Basic Idea, Algorithm Development, Error Analysis, and Applications.”

Fall 2018

  • Sep 17 |  Ana Budiša (U. Bergen, Norway) | “Domain decomposition preconditioner for mixed-dimensional flow problems in fractured porous media.”
  • Oct 01 | Tim Atherton (Tufts) | “Morpho—A system for solving shape optimization problems.”
  • Oct 15 | Guosheng Fu (Brown University) | “Explicit divergence-free DG methods for incompressible flow.”
  • Oct 22 | Jeff Hokanson (University of Colorado, Boulder) | “Exploiting Ridge Structure in Chance Constrained Design Under Uncertainty.”
  • Oct 29 | Fleurianne Bertrand (Humboldt University in Berlin) |  “Stress Reconstruction for Elasticity Problems.”
  • Nov 05 | Howard Elman (University of Maryland) | “Collocation Methods for Exploring Perturbations in Linear Stability Analysis.”
  • Nov 19 | James Murphy (Tufts) | “Unsupervised Geometric Learning: Statistical Guarantees and Fast Algorithms.”
  • Nov 26 | Helen Suh   (Tufts – CEE) | “Current Analytical Challenges in Air Pollution Epidemiology.”
  • Dec 03 | Sohom Ray (Tufts – CEE) | “Earthquake Nucleation on Faults: a Finite-Time Instability Problem.”
  • Dec 10 | John Germaine (Tufts – CEE) | “Stress Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Clay Rich Sediments.”

Spring 2018

  • Jan 22 | Everyone (Tufts) | Organizational Meeting.
  • Feb 05 | Richard Hooper (Tufts – CEE) | “The Tyranny of Physics: Are we fooling ourselves in making Earth system predictions?”
  • Feb 12 | Leone Brown (Tufts – Bio) | “Animal migration and disease risk in response to anthropogenic change.”
  • Feb 26 | Elizabeth Crone (Tufts – Bio) | “Mixed use landscapes can facilitate range shifts.”
  • Mar 05 | Hengjie Wang (UC Irvine) |  “An efficient geometric multigrid solver for variable coefficient poisson equation.”
  • Mar 12 | Steven Wise (UT Knoxville) | “Preconditioned descent methods for some nonlinear elliptic equations involving p-Laplacian terms.”
  • Apr 02 | Steffen Muenzenmaier (University Duisburg-Essen) | “An upwinded discontinuous Least-squares finite element method for steady-state transport.”
  • Apr 02 | Hongyan Wang (Tufts) | “The finite-element algorithm for the extended yard-sale model.”
  • Apr 09 | Johannes Kraus (University Duisburg-Essen) | “A posteriori error estimates for a class of nonlinear interface problems in relation to solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.”
  • Apr 23 | Boris Krämer (MIT) | “Conditional-value-at-risk estimation with reduced-order models.”

Fall 2017

  • Sep 13 | Everyone (Tufts) | Organizational Meeting.
  • Sep 18 | Peter Ohm (Tufts) | “New Stabilized Discretizations for Poroelasticity and the Stokes’ Equations.”
  • Oct 13 | Pasqua D’Ambra (National Research Council of Italy) | “BootCMatch: Bootstrap AMG based on Compatible Weighted Matching.”
  • Oct 20 | Qing Nie (University of California, Irvine) | “Data-driven multiscale modeling of cell fate dynamics.”
  • Oct 25 | Jeff Hokanson (University of Colorado, Boulder) |  “Data-driven polynomial ridge approximation using variable projection.”
  • Oct 30 | David Emerson (StreetContxt) | “A Posteriori Error Estimators for Variational Systems.”
  • Nov 20 | Caleb Magruder (Tufts) | “Adjoint-Based Differentiation for Optimization with Implicit Constraints.”
  • Nov 27 | Amanda Howard (Brown University) | “Particle Dispersion in Non-Homogeneous Suspension Flows.”

Spring 2017

  • Mar 13 | Francisco Gaspar (Zaragoza) | “Multigrid Waveform Relaxation.   Application to the Time-Fractional Heat Equation.”
  • Apr 05 | Peiyao Luo | “Monolithic Multigrid Method for the Coupled Stokes Flow and Deformable Porous Medium System.”

Fall 2016

  • Sep 07 | Everyone (Tufts) | Organizational Meeting
  • Sep 14 | James Adler (Tufts) | “How Not to Give a Talk”
  • Sep 21 | Everyone (Tufts) | 5 Minute Talks
  • Sep 28 | Sergey Voronin (Tufts) | “Efficient methods for the construction of low rank matrix decompositions and applications to inverse problems and parameter estimation.”
  • Oct 19 | Julio Castrillon-Candas |  “Analytic regularity and collocation approximation for elliptic PDEs with random domain deformations.”
  • Oct 26 | Hui Yang (Tufts) | “Mechanics of high-capacity anode materials in lithium-ion nano-batteries.”
  • Nov 2 | Jeffrey Guasto (Tufts) | “Porous media flows: From swimming cells to complex fluids.”
  • Nov 9 | Luis Dorfmann (Tufts) | “The elastic secrets of the chameleon tongue.”

Spring 2016

  • Jan 27 | Everyone (Tufts) | Organizational Meeting
  • Feb 03 | James Adler (Tufts) | Tips for Giving Talks
  • Feb 10 | Everyone (Tufts) | 3 Minute Talks
  • Feb 16 | Long Chen (UC Irvine) | “Multigrid Methods for Saddle Point Systems of Mixed Finite Element Methods”
  • Mar 2 | Peter Love (Tufts) | “A Quantum Algorithm for the Moebius Function”
  • Mar 9 | Saheli Sarkar (Northeastern) | “Phenotypic analysis of cancer-immune interactions at single cell level.”
  • Mar 16 | Lake Bookman (Yale) | “Approximate Solitons of the Landau-Lifshitz Equation”
  • Mar 30 | Grant Garven (Tufts) | “Mathematical Models for Deep Fluid Migration in the Earth’s Crust”
  • Apr 06 | Marc Hodes (Tufts) | “Effect of Thermocapillary Stress on Slip Length for a Parallel Ridge-Textured Channel”

Fall 2015

  • Sep 09 | Everyone (Tufts) | Organizational Meeting
  • Sep 23 | Paul Hand (Rice) | “ShapeFit: Exact location recovery from corrupted pairwise directions.”
  • Sep 30 | Elizabeth Wu (Tufts) | “The Investigation of Differential Operator Based on Fast Fourier Continuation and Sobolev Smoothing.”
  • Oct 7 | Peter Ohm (Tufts) | “Statistical Thermodynamics and Modeling Chemical Activity Coefficients.”
  • Oct 28 | David Emerson (Tufts) | “A Deflation Technique for the Computation of Static Liquid Crystal Configurations.”
  • Nov 10 | Charlie Colley (Tufts) | “Data Perturbation Technique for Improving Clustering Objective Functions.”
  • Nov 20 | Howard Elman (Maryland) | “Linear Algebra Computations for Parameterized Partial Differential Equations.”
  • Dec 02 | Melody Takeuchi (Tufts) | “Abrupt Transitions from Low to High Firing Frequencies in Neuronal Models.”
  • Dec 09 | Tim Atherton (Tufts) | “Order, Geometry, and Dynamics in Soft Matter.”

Spring 2015

  • Feb 04 | Joanne Lin (Tufts) | “A Contagion Model of Emergency Airplane Evacuations”
  • Feb 11 | Thomas Benson (Tufts) | “Introduction to the Cluster”
  • Feb 18 | Robert Viesca (Tufts) | “Of Faults and Faucets”
  • Feb 25 | Tom Vandervelde and Maggie Stevens (Tufts) | “Studying Anomalous Open-Circuit Voltage Drop-Out in Concentrated Photovotaics Using Computational Numerical Analysis.”
  • Mar 25 | Arvind Krishna Saibaba (Tufts) |”Fast Kalman Filter for Random Walk Forecast Model.”
  • Apr 01 | Tania Bakhos (Stanford) | “Flexible Krylov Solvers for Shifted Systems with Applications to Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems.”
  • Apr 08 | Xuan Zhao | “An Introduction to Fractional PDEs: Applications and Numerics.”
  • Apr 15 | Maria Elenius (Tufts) | “Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone”
  • Apr 22 | Jayanth Jagalur-Mohan | “Approximate Optimal Projection for Reduced-Order Models”

Fall 2014

  • Sep 11 | James Adler (Tufts) | “Intro to Finite Elements”
  • Sep 18 | David Emerson (Tufts) “Intro to Liquid Crystals”
  • Sep 25 | Xiaozhe Hu (Tufts) | “Intro to Geometric Multigrid”
  • Oct 02 | Bruce Boghosian (Tufts) | “Intro to Lattice Boltzman”
  • Oct 09 | Ilya Lashuk (Tufts) | “Intro to Algebraic Multigrid/Smoothed Aggregation”
  • Oct 16 | James Adler (Tufts) | “Discussion of Finite Elements for Dissipative Maxwell’s Equations.”
  • Oct 23 | David Emerson (Tufts) | “Intro to Trust Region Optimization.”
  • Oct 30 | Xiaozhe Hu and Tom Benson (Tufts) | “MHD Formulations.”
  • Nov 06 | James, Xiaozhe, and Tom (Tufts) | “Solvers for Maxwell’s Equations and MHD.”
  • Nov 13 | Scott MacLachlan (Memorial University) | “First-Order System Petrov-Galerkin for Singularly Perturbed Problems.”
  • Nov 20 | Bruce Boghosian (Tufts) | “More on Lattice Boltzman for Fluids.”
  • Dec 04 | Dong Han (Tufts) | “Intro to Magnetoelasticity”