The Tufts University Student Chapter of the American Statistical Association (Tufts-ASA) works to promote statistical learning, practice, and research across Tufts University. Tufts-ASA’s aims are to (1) build a collaborative community of statisticians across all Tufts campuses; (2) facilitate connections between students and faculty in statistics and data science fields; and (3) build student confidence and competence in the theory and application of statistics so that they may have the tools to contribute to academia, industry, government, and other research fields.
Commitment to Diversity
The Tufts-ASA is committed to maintaining a diverse organization that operates under a strict code of respect, fairness, and professionalism. The Tufts-ASA will strive to recruit, support, and advance all members regardless of ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and faith, culture, socio-economic background, and level of physical ability. Additionally, Tufts-ASA will attempt to recruit students and faculty to participate from across all Tufts graduate campuses to ensure the greatest diversity in thoughts, opinions, ideas, and perspectives.
The Tufts-ASA will, at a minimum:
- Maintain an active slack or communication channel for planning meetings, outreach, and discussion within the group
- Maintain status as a school club within the Graduate Student Council and Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
- Meet two times a semester, once to set goals for the chapter and once to check progress towards these goals
- Organize an Annual Chapter Assembly
- Hold bi-weekly meeting hours, where students can come to discuss their statistical and programming work with their peers
Membership is open and free to all Tufts Students. Official membership in the ASA organization is recommended, but not required for all. However, President of the Tufts-ASA must be an active ASA member.