Pride on the Hill Award Winner: Hasan Khan
The Pride on the Hill honors students who, through community involvement, artistic expression, written work or scientific research, have contributed the most to an understanding at Tufts of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans identities during the preceding academic year.
Hasan Mansoor Mohammed Khan (A22) has been a leader serving the LGBTQ community at Tufts, exhibiting a dedicated focus on the Queer Muslim community. Hasan developed a social media campaign to connect with Queer Muslim leaders in the broader community, and helped create a Desi Queer group in collaboration with other centers at Tufts. He has supported first-year students as a Resident Advisor and as peer leader in the pre-orientation program Conversation Action Faith and Education (CAFE). Hasan will attend Tufts Medical School.
Who do you work for? flagyl reviews for h pylori The report’s release, intended for last year, was delayed by the PTC’s decision to focus its resources on the subject of violence in media after the Newtown, Conn., school shootings. Networks also weren’t heard from on that PTC study, which was released last May and found that violence remained a prime-time TV staple even immediately following Newtown.
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