Class of 1911 Prize Scholarship Winner: Ethan Isenman

The Class of 1911 Prize Scholarships are for seniors who have made the most progress in both academic record and in participation in extracurricular activities of enduring worth. 

Ethan Isenman (A21) is a Philosophy major pursuing minors in History and Political Science. He has excelled in courses as diverse as African music systems, entrepreneurship, and advanced Spanish composition. Ethan taught a highly popular Ex College seminar on philosophy in everyday life while simultaneously engaging in a plethora of extra-curricular activities, including working in project management companies in Boston and Israel and doing fundraising for Jewish vocational services.

One thought on “Class of 1911 Prize Scholarship Winner: Ethan Isenman

  • May 25, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Congrats, Ethan! You were an exemplary Explorations leader under challenging circumstances. Thank you!

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