Summer Vacation and ENE 151

By Kimberly Fogarty, TEEP student, Academic Technology Specialist at the Park School in Brookline, MA As a student in the Teacher Engineering Education Certificate program, I have come to expect and enjoy relevant readings and projects as part of my courses.…


New STOMP Cohort

By Laura Fradin, Education Specialist With the start of the new semester, the CEEO welcomed STOMP Alum Laura Fradin as the new Education Specialist to work on multiple projects including LEGO Outreach, Novel Engineering, Design and Engineering Workshops, and various…


University Level Courses

First-Year Intro-to-Engineering Simple Robotics by Ethan Danahy, Research Assistant Professor, CEEO Once again, in Fall 2016, Professor Danahy taught the Tufts School of Engineering's introduction to engineering course Simple Robotics to first-year engineering students. Leveraging the LEGO MINDSTORMS robotics hardware…