CSS Post-Doctoral Fellow Aroop Mukharji has been chosen as one of 6 “New Faces in international security” by the Triangle Institute of Security Studies at Duke
Since 2000, the Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS) has hosted an annual two-day conference called the “Junior and Interdisciplinary Faces of International Security.” The purpose of the “New Faces” project, as it has come to be known, is to strengthen the rising cohort of scholars specializing in security studies. American national security depends on the existence of enlightened citizens and informed public opinion. It is vital that our policy-makers have access to the best research and the most clear and cogent analysis. The TISS “New Faces” project advances those goals by investing in the young scholars who will become the future leaders and experts in security studies. Each year, we invite faculty in a variety of fields to nominate the best of their graduate students to participate in this program. From seven to nine of these are invited to present their research at a conference, where their ideas and presentation receive critical feedback from an interdisciplinary TISS audience.