
Thank you to all applicants. We received an overwhelming response and the proposals were thoughtful, interesting and substantive. It was a pleasant surprise to have so many people willing and eager to give up three weeks of summer to participate, and we would have liked to admit more applicants. We hope to use this tremendous response as a springboard for further meetings and workshops to meet the needs of those who applied. All of the proposals will assist us in shaping more digital humanities outreach efforts.

As of March 20, 2012, the deadline for notifications has passed. Thank you to everyone who applied. If you applied to the institute but did not receive an e-mail notification on the status of your application, please contact Lisa (address below).

Questions, Comments, or Further Information: Please contact Lisa Cerrato at lisa dot cerrato at tufts dot edu and check this site for further updates.

Who should apply:
Faculty, graduate students, and library professionals are encouraged to apply.

We particularly encourage participants who are committed to developing research agendas that:

  • integrate contributions and research by undergraduates,
  • expand the global presence of the humanities
  • broaden access to and participation in the humanities in general.

Preference will be given to participants who are best prepared not only to apply new technologies but to do so as a means to transform their teaching and research and the relationship of their work to society beyond academia.

How to apply:
Please prepare a short proposal consisting of:

  • a CV
  • statement of purpose no more than 1,000 words describing
    • how will participation further your career advancement?
    • what are your initial goals? what do you see yourself accomplishing through participation in the institute?
    • what source materials do you plan on working with during the institute? (see below for additional information)

Note that: proposed source materials must be in the public domain or available under a suitable license. In an ideal case, source materials would include both texts for intensive analysis and annotation and one or more larger corpora to be mined and analyzed more broadly.

Deadline: Please send proposals via email by February 15, 2012 to lisa dot cerrato at tufts dot edu. Please include the subject “Working with Text in a Digital Age.”