Loneliness Prevention Within Community Dwelling Older
Adults: A Pilot Program
Rachael Drislane, OT/s, Temor Amin-Arsala, OT, OTD, OTR
This project contributes to and expands on existing literature on the epidemic of loneliness impacting older adults. Project explored the experience of loneliness within local community dwelling seniors. In addition, project developed sustainable methods by which a senior center can prepare members regarding the experience of loneliness. Program was designed through public health and prevention lenses. Mixed-methods study utilizing surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. Three themes emerged from qualitative thematic analysis: vital role of social connection in loneliness prevention, indivituality’s influence on the experience of loneliness, and critical reflections on programming logistics. Quantitative data showed program built participants’ skills and confidence to deal with feelings of loneliness. Results demonstrate need to continue investigating loneliness within senior center members and
implementing explicit loneliness prevention measures.
Key Words:
Prevention, Public Health, Older Adults