New England Disabled Sports Outreach: Spreading a Unified Mission with the PEO Model


Chloe Witt, OT/s, Jason Lafontaine, Sarah Skeels, MPH, Mary Barnes, OT, OTD


Despite the noted benefits of participating in adaptive sports, there is a lack of awareness of what programs exist, i.e., New England Disabled Sports (NEDS). NEDS lacked organization-centered outreach materials to promote participation and occupational therapists can mitigate this gap through increasing health literacy in this emerging practice area. To spread a unified NEDS mission, participation in coaching, semi-structured interviews, surveys, and an occupational lens informed the development of presentations, infographics, pamphlets, and a photo montage. The materials can support the recruitment of new student athletes and volunteer coaches; this can decrease the environmental barrier of lack of awareness for athletes and volunteers, promoting participation in a meaningful occupation in a client-centered manner.

Key Words:

Community, Outreach, Participation



Other Material: