Forklift robot
Forklift robot
The robot whose single purpose is to pick up a ball and drop it somewhere else.
My robot uses image processing to scan for the color yellow and circular shapes. Once it spots a yellow object that is circular, it uses its motors to adjust until the ball is in the center of its vision. After this, the robot drives straight towards the ball, picks it up using servo motors attached to platforms in the front of the robot, and drives it somewhere else to be dropped off. While not all of these steps were always successful, I got it to work very well when the ball was in front of the robot.

Very nice!
super cool and thought through, would be cool to see on a larger scale.
I love this. It was very slow to find the ball and that’s good because its more precise then. Nice Work!
The design was very cool! I really liked the design of the forklift.
I liked seeing your process of how you made the robot. It also works really well. Nice job!
I think this is a robot with a lot of potential. I love the CAD design, make it look so much cleaner that using cardboard
The process is very refined! Nice job!
really cool, great presentation and great design on the robot!
really cool combination of input and output
A precise robot for seeking or just for cleaning, I feel like we can have a game with all of the great robots like this one!
nice. very well made grabbers. looks like they worked well
The front attachments are very cool and look really practical!
The forklift mechanism is new compared to the other ones. Very cool
really interesting mechanism for grabbing the ball
good mechanism
The forklift is really cool and works really well!! Unrelated to the actual engineering, but your presentation is really cool too– how did you get that sort of layout for the presentation?
Great use of servos in the forklift!
I used prezi. It has a free trial with a bunch of animated slideshows.
Very creative original idea and nice adjustment in the final product. The 3d printed grabbing mechanism is especially impressive.
I like the parts you 3D printed, very cool!
The forklift design is really cool!
Awesome, sleek design!