Mango Tango Team 2022

Mango Tango Team 2022

Max Ramer, Aryaman Pandya, Ethan Schreiber, Sinan Unan

Smart Water Distribution System Model

In 2009, the Abaarso School for Science and Technology was founded as a not-for-profit private school in Abaarso, Somaliland. The school requires trucks to deliver water from a main tank onthe border of the campus to various sub-tanks within school grounds. Further, the Abaarso School’s current system is gravity-based; they have no way to increase water pressure or detect leaks in their pipes. The goal of this project was to build a model that digitizes and automates their water distribution process. Using programmable logic controllers (PLCs) localized to each water tank, we aimed to (1) detect the water level of a tank, (2) measure the flow rate of water inmL/s, and (3) control a pump to increase water pressure. The state of the system was stored ona human-machine interface panel for an easy way to view and control devices (i.e. flow meter,pump, valve). This project demanded more than basic ECE and CS knowledge; we picked up carpentry, plumbing, fluid dynamic, and electrician skills along the way. The team delivered aworking software implementation and hardware-testing framework to the sponsor.

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