In the Emotion, Brain, & Behavior Laboratory (EBBL) in the Department of Psychology at Tufts University, we seek to understand how people, mostly adults, experience, express, and regulate their emotions.
We primarily use behavioral and psychophysiological methods (skin conductance, electrocardiography, facial electromyography, eye tracking). Our past work has featured functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify neural correlates of processes of interest.
In recent years, we have broadened the scope of our work to focus on performance under stress. We have also contributed to multi-laboratory replication projects examining, for example, the impact of a bitter, disgusting drink on judgments of moral wrongness, the valence-dominance model of face perception, and the impact of note-taking methods on academic performance among undergraduate students.
We endorse open scientific values. We make our data, code, and materials openly available, and preregister our studies, hypotheses, and analysis plans when appropriate.
The EBBL was established in 2005 by Heather Urry. Check out the Get Involved page for information about joining the lab.