Lepani Uluinaviti

Lepani Uluinaviti

Manager, Financial System Development Group, Reserve Bank of Fiji

Mr Uluinaviti has a wealth of experience as a financial system regulator having spent 15 years in the Financial Institutions Group covering micro and macro prudential supervision across all sectors, banking, insurance, superannuation and money transfer operators of Fiji’s financial system. Spent 7 years in the leadership team of the Group to December 2021.

Commenced with the Financial System Development Group in January 2022. Directly responsible for overseeing the achievement of deliverables  relating to the Bank’s work on Sustainable Development Finance, Inclusive Green Finance, MSME Finance, Capital Market Developments and Digital Financial Services. Co shares the responsibility on leading the ground work for the implementation of strategic actions under Fiji’s National Financial Inclusion Strategy  2022 -2030.