Gift Bwale Choweni

Gift Bwale Choweni

Inspector – Market Conduct, Insurance Supervision, Pensions and Insurance Authority of Zambia

I am a financial sector supervision professional with five years of experience in the Insurance Supervision Department of the Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA). PIA is the regulator of the insurance and pensions subsectors in Zambia.

My current role includes market conduct supervision, subject matter expert on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism or proliferation (AML/CFTP), among others. These functions entail skill and competence in the design, review and implementation of regulations, policies and procedures that ultimately ensure a sound and stable insurance subsector. I have been involved and often taken the lead in reviews for approval of microinsurance products as the conduct supervision role includes the review of applications for approval of new products, amendments of existing products, and review of channels of distribution.

Arising from the foregoing, I have made significant contribution in developing regulations and guidelines in the area of financial inclusion products. I am particularly passionate about digital financial services and weather index insurance to reach previously underserved and unserved communities.

Prior to joining PIA, I gained seven years of experience in financial crimes investigations whilst working for the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Whilst at ACC, I earned certifications as a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and a Certified Fraud Examiner CFE). I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Copperbelt University in Kitwe, Zambia. I am currently pursuing a MSc Finance (Economic Policy) with the SOAS University of London.