Brenda Sikwila

Brenda Sikwila

Senior Bank Examiner, Bank Supervision Division, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

I have been a banker for over 22 years, having started off my career in retail banking in 2001 where I served individual clients and small businesses, who largely constitute the bottom of the pyramid both from two commercial banks and the Reserve Bank. I hold a Master of Science degree in Banking and Financial Economics from the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe, Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and an Institute of Bankers Diploma Zimbabwe.
I joined the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Bank Supervision Division as a Bank Examiner in 2016 in the Financial Inclusion and Microfinance Unit, where I have been an integral part of the formulation and implementation of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS 1) which promotes access to finance for vulnerable and previously disadvantaged members of society. I was also in the team that was responsible for the development of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy II (NFIS II) which was subsequently launched on 31 October 2022.
My duties include coordinating financial inclusion activities and programmes in collaboration with key stakeholders and enforcing financial stability through ensuring adherence to sound risk management practices, and sound corporate governance within the financial sector.
I am an active member of the SMEs Thematic Working Group which seeks to spearhead financial inclusion initiatives targeting SMEs and Women owned businesses. I am also involved in conducting research and periodic review of supervisory methodologies to inform and enhance supervisory on financial inclusion