History of FLPFI

Since 2011, the Fletcher School, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and other partners, has worked to strengthen the skills of policymakers to design, implement and measure sound and innovative financial inclusion policies. 

The program has grown considerably since its inception, moving from a two-week residency of 10 fellows to now include multiple capacity building activities for policymakers: a nine-month course with blended online and in-person learning for 18 fellows, regional in-country or virtual multi-stakeholder workshops for policy development reaching dozens more a year, supporting research by alumni that directly informs policymaking, and connecting alumni with opportunities for continued technical learning. 

In 2018, we developed new models to expand the reach and strength of the program. Since that time, FLPFI has pilot tested innovative training models for our 8 Question Method for Policy Development (8QM), policy-impacting research activities, and alumni-focused events and topical trainings, in addition to running our highly regarded flagship 9-month Fellowship program. These pilots have successfully extended our reach and relevance. In addition to the 145 policymakers from 54 countries who have completed the FLPFI Fellowship since 2011, we have trained an additional 166 policymakers through our 8QM workshops since 2018. 81% of fellows have implemented the policies developed during their fellowship in full or in part, and 83% continue to use the 8QM in their work.