In collaboration with Arezoo Ardekani’s group at Purdue, Derek measurements of marine invertebrate sperm buckling in microfluidic flows were published in combined numerical/experimental work. The paper can be found here.
Jeffrey S. Guasto,
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Tufts University
SEC, Robinson Hall, Room 173
200 College Avenue
phone: 617.627.6838
email: Jeffrey.Guasto[at]
- Review article published in Journal of Rheology February 25, 2022
- Welcome to our new postdoc Louison Thorens! December 20, 2021
- Congratulations to Dr. Michael Stehnach! December 9, 2021
- Congratulations to Nico and Amin on their Nature Communications paper! October 19, 2021
- Congratulations to Michael, Nico, and Derek on their Nature Physics Paper! May 27, 2021