Journal Archive

Tufts Historical Review Vol XVII:


Publication Date: Spring 2024
Editors-in-Chief: Carl Svahn & Anna O’Sullivan

The Ghost of General Wolfe in the Literature of the American Revolution
Catherine Tamarelli | Columbia University

Hero of War or Hero of Peace? Portrayals and Perceptions of Anwar Sadat in American Media and Politics from 1971-1981
Simeon Michelson | Westmont College

Birthing Narratives: Unveiling the Realities and Resilience of Lower-Class Women in Nineteenth-Century London
Jadyn Malone | Dartmouth College

Editorial: Transatlantic Radicals: How American and European Abolitionists Sacrificed Their Differences to Contribute to the Abolition of Slavery through the American Civil War
Guillem Colom | Tufts University

Book Review: The World that Wasn’t: Henry Wallace and the Fate of the American Century
Ilan Werblow | Tufts University

Presidential Lecture and Interview: The Self-Sacrifice of the Forty-Seven Rōnin
David L. Howell | Harvard University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XVI:


Publication Date: Spring 2023
Editors-in-Chief: Olivia Ólafsson & Micah Thode

“Blood Is the Symbol of Afro-Asia”: Afro-Asian Imaginings of Past, Present, and Future Violence During the Bandung Era
Edward Yuan | University of British Columbia

Nazi Germany to East Germany: Propaganda in Succession
Jay Greenwald | Tufts University

Black Vaudevillians: Respectability and Celebrity in Progressive-Era Black Discourse
Hannah Rosenberg | Carleton College

“Partly Mad, Partly in Fun, Partly in Earnest of this New State”: Contextualizing the 1941 State of Jefferson Movement
Ilan Werblow | Tufts University

Editorial: William Claiborne and “The Time of Troubles” (1634-1657): Civil War, Catholics, and Chaos in Chesapeake
Thomas Krush | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XV:


Publication Date: Spring 2022
Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Krush & Olivia Ólafsson

Shared Land, Shared Identity: Women’s Power and Leadership Among Aquinnah Wampanoag Since 1862
Justin Grossman | University of Rochester

On the Power of Gendered Narratives: Persecution and Stigmatization of Guerrilleras Who Survived Clandestine Detention Centers in the Last Argentinian Dictatorship (1976–1983)
Charlotte Kleine | University of Glasgow

Boudicca’s Rebellion: Tacitus, Dio, and the Defiance of a Patriarchal Historiographical Tradition
Lindsay Moynihan | University of Maryland, College Park

The Closed Case of the Open Door: The Dichotomous Legacies of the Shawnee Brothers in American Memory
Abby Matusek | The College of William and Mary

The Boycott, the Strike, the ALRB: United Farm Workers and Legal Resistance in the Salinas Valley
Claire Medina | University of Pennsylvania

Defiance as Dialogue: Early Anarchist Presses and Solidarity Networks
Rebecca Kremen | Barnard University

Henry V in Normandy: Reconsidering Caudebec’s Importance
Harry Keefe | Colgate University

Reform and Revolution: Solon and the Rise of Pisistratus
Daniel Harris | University of Chicago

We the People, in Order to Establish Justice, Charge Genocide
Erica Ivins | Hamilton College

Editorial: The Battle of Chavez Ravine: Mexican-American Defiance in Los Angeles
Gregory Lions | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XIV:


Publication Date: Spring 2021
Editors-in-Chief: James Himberger & Thomas Krush

“Close Community”: Rural Working-Class Culture in the 1910 Hudson River Mill Strike
Hamilton Craig | Berea College

The Complexities of Conformity: Algerian Jewish Reassimilation in the Age of Decolonization
Joseph Spillane | The George Washington University

“No Humbug”: Black Women Clairvoyants’ Quest for Legitimacy in the Late Nineteenth Century
Hannah Levine | Georgetown University

A Fight for Religious Freedom: Vlissingen, Quakers & John Bowne in 17th-Century New Netherland
David Sollod | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XIII:


Publication Date: Spring 2020
Editors-in-Chief: Grant Wood & James Himberger

Common Ground: Legal Theory, Political Language, and the English Reformation in Christopher St.German’s Doctor and Student
Peter Thomas | Stanford University

Race in the Islamist Imagination: Orgins in Sayyid Qutb’s American Sojourn, 1948-1950
Ankushi Mitra | Georgetown University

Learning to See the Light: German Scientific Innovation at the World’s Colombian Exposition
Megan Gamiz | University of Vermont

“Remembering ‘The johnnies and the Mehmets”: Memory of the Gallipoli Campaign and the Roots of ANZAC and Turkish Nationalism
Cameron Sauers | Gettysburg College

Editorial: A Scattered Pátria: Portuguese Imperialism and Pluricontinentalismo, from the Transfer of the Royal Court to Brazil to Its Practice in Guinea-Bissau
Jonathan Adams | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XII:


Publication Date: Spring 2019
Editors-in-Chief: Emily Hoffman & Grant Wood

Fantastic Orientalism: The Muse of Mandeville
Max Cohen | College of Wooster

Anglo-American Progress: British Engagement in the American West, 1870-1890
Charlie Driver | Tufts University

Roger Bacon: The Alchemist 
Victoria Tobes | State University of New York at Albany

Carnival in Vincennes: Reiterations of “France” at the 1931 French Colonial Exposition
Scott Ma | Swarthmore College

Editorial: From Clio to Cliometrics: The Rise and Fall of Economics in the Modern Study of History
Liam Cronan | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol XI:


Publication Date: Spring 2018
Editors-in-Chief: Nathaniel Chock & Rebecca Ennis

Early Modern Moon Med: Exploratory Perspectives in the 17th-Century Lunar Voyage
Miranda Phaal | Tufts University

The Most Infernal Outrage: Northern Public Reaction to the Fort Pillow Massacre
Nicholas Gonnerman | St. Olaf College

Dancing Three Nights a Week: Women Abroad with the Red Cross Maintaining Respectability During the First World War
Rose Winter | St. Catherine University

Disproving Brava Gente: The Myth and Reality of the Shoah in Italy
Morgan Duckett | Kent State University

“They’ve Lost Their Municipal Minds”: How the Central Park Be-In Made New York Parks More Fun and Less Radical
Julien Reiman | Columbia University

Riots, Race, and Redevelopment: The Consequential Geography of Segregation in the Rebuilding of Washington’s 14th Street Corridor
Sarah Manhardt | University of Chicago

Tufts Historical Review Vol X:


Publication Date: Spring 2017
Editors-in-Chief: Nathaniel Chock & Rebecca Ennis

The Most Dangerous Games: Politics of Social Control at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics
Maxwell Ulin | Yale University

From King Solomon to Ian Smith: Rhodesian Alternate Histories of Zimbabwe
Edward Guimont | University of Connecticut

The Defeat That Brought About Victory: How Tet Became a Watershed
Lucretia (Loulie) Bunzel | Washington University in St. Louis

Call Me By My True Names: Troubled Identities in Post-WWII Okinawa
Vicky Shen | Boston College

A Masculine Snare of Honor: Dueling in the Early Republic
Ken Bartelt | Knox College

Editorial: The Emperor’s New Clothes- Revamping the Japanese Monarchy in the Postwar Era
Zihan Chai | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol IX:


Publication Date: Spring 2016
Editors-in-Chief: Brian Pollock & Jordan Rosenthal-Kay

Ignoble Practice: The Evolution and Spread of Scalping in Early America, 1500-1812
Zachary Brown | Stanford University

Solidarity from the Shadows: Father Jerzy Popieluszko and the Transformation of the Catholic Church in Communist Poland
Áine Cain | The College of William and Mary

The Theater of Death: Commemorative Markers and the Transition to Christianity in Medieval Scandinavia
Holly Janssen | Tufts University

A Prelude to Proxy War: Origins of International Involvement in the Congo Crisis
Brian Wivell | George Washington University

“To the Living We Owe Respect, But to the Dead We Owe Only the Truth”: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans’ Assessment of Alexander Hamilton in the Immediate Aftermath of His Death
Emily Yankowitz | Yale University

Tufts Historical Review Vol VIII:


Publication Date: Spring 2015
Editors-in-Chief: Emily Freedman & Brian Pollock

Racial Blood and Catholic Blood: Pope Pius XI and the Church’s Relationship with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
Daniel Bottino | Tufts University

Aztec Human Sacrifice: Solemn Blood Covenants and Sacred Atonement Offerings
Ryan Hunter | Stony Brook University

“I Bore Him So That He Might Die for Sparta”: The Role of the Mother in Spartan Society
Jennifer L. Putnam | Villanova University

“They Shall Succeed That Have Most Right”: Elizabeth I and the Role of Blood in the Succession
Amanda V. Hadad | Tufts University

A Lesson of Leadership Written in Blood
Mary Liu | The United States Military Academy at West Point

Disease and Unrest: The Demise of the Iranian Monarchy
Mary Simms | University of Redlands

From Bread and Wine to Body and Blood . . . and Back Again: The Significance of Changes Made to the Eucharist under Henry VIII and Edward VI
William K. Thompson | University of California, Santa Barbara

Editorial: Bad Blood- Tracing the Bloodline of the Vampire Myth and Its Meanings through History
Miranda Phaal & Rebecca Xu | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol VII:


Publication Date: Spring 2014
Editors-in-Chief: Cameron Seitzman & Hannah Arnow

The Levant Unveiled: Western Travelers’ Reports on Ottoman Female Bathing Culture
Molly Weinstein | Tufts University

“Best Obtained in Seclusion”: Landscapes of Healing and Pleasure at Marienbad and Baden-Baden, 1820–1880
Linnea Kuglitsch | Mary Baldwin College

From “the Pride of Baltimore City” to “a Nuisance, an Expense, and an Eyesore”: Public Opinion of the Jones Falls after the Flood of 1868
Aunaleah Gelles | University Of Maryland, Baltimore 

Imagining the Congo as a ‘Heart of Darkness’: Why the Congo “Is What It Is” for the Western World
Katie Nolan | Fordham University

The Hellenes and Tribal Societies: Hellenism in the Late Archaic and Early Classical Periods
Joseph Wilson | James Madison University

Editorial: The Nation and the Sea- Identity, Ideology, and Imagination in Colonial Bengal
Aniket De | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol VI:

Magic & Technology

Publication Date: Spring 2013
Editors-in-Chief: Gavin Matthew & Perri Meldon

Tobacco in the Long Sixteenth Century and Its Cultural Shift Through Medical Texts
Ryan Berg | University of Oxford

The Significance of Michael Ranfft’s Treatise in the Eighteenth-Century Vampire Debate
Derek Black | New College of Florida

Strength in Numbers: The Society for Psychical Research and the Census of Hallucinations 
Alex Stein | Harvard College

Reconsidering Truman’s Dilemma
Ian Kingsbury | College of William and Mary

The Vaccine Decision
Erica Ridderman | Indiana University

Editorial: The Real Sue Ackerman- An Analysis of Birth Control in 1969 Through the Lens of College Coeds
Hannah Arnow | Tufts University

Interviews: Voices of the Other- Sergi Khruschev and the Cold War
Benjamin J. Sacks | Princeton University

Lecture: Crusaders in the Eastern Mediterranean- Thieves or Tyrants?
Alfred J. Andrea, Ph.D.

Tufts Historical Review Vol V:

Thieves & Tyrants

Publication Date: Spring 2012
Editors-in-Chief: Vittoria Elliott & Laura Taronas

“Kill or Be Killed”: Settlers, Borderland Elites, and the Formation of the State of Tennessee, 1780-1796
Melissa Gismondi | McGill University

Trans-Border Female Smugglers and Complex Forms of Empowerment
Emma Baumhoffer | Columbia University

Resurrecting Tawantinsuyu: Utopian Visions Within Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala’s The First New Chronicle and Good Government
Jeffrey Rosamond | Queens University, Ontario

“Taken” at Sea: Privateers and the Anti-Nationalism of 1740s Maritime Culture
Jacob Denney | Tufts University

Romanticism in the Reign of Terror: Robespierre and the Academy of Sciences
Elise Howell | Framingham State University

Chinese Pirates and the Battle of Liaoluo Bay
Michael Wing-Hin Kam | Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Editorial: An Inversion of Power
Hanna Arnow | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol IV:


Publication Date: Spring 2011
Editors-in-Chief: Vittoria Elliott & Kelsey Anderson

The Courtesans of Lucknow: Contextualizing and Redefining Agency
Madihah Akhter | Tufts University

Disentangling the Skein of Dissent: Bantu Education and the Rise of Youth Activism in Soweto, South Africa 1953-1980
Adam Evans | Tufts University

The Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 1784: New York, the Iroquois, and the Issue of State Sovereignty 
John Winters | Rutgers University

Conflicted Childhoods in the South Seas: The Failure of Racial Assimilation in the Nan’yō
John Winters | Rutgers University

The Importance of Education in the Creation of the Nation-State: The Palestine Mandate Case
Samantha Koontz | University of Colorado

City Walls as Metonymy: Representations of the City in Fourth-Century Gaul
Gabrielle Villais | University College London

Editorial: También la Lluvia: Conflicting Christopher Columbus and the Cochabamba Water Wars
William Rose | Tufts University

Review: The Ottoman Age of Exploration 
Nicholas Russell | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol III:


Publication Date: Spring 2010
Editors-in-Chief: Benjamin J. Sacks & Shreya Maitra

A Tainted Peace: The Failure of De-Nazification in Occupied Germany
Jonathan D. Garon | University of Rochester

“Greater Boldness and Greater Unity”: Lenin & the Intellectual Prehistory of National Bolshevism
Silas Webb | University of Manchester

Origins of Belonging in Cairo 
Benjamin J. Sacks | Tufts University

Origins of Minoan Tholoi: A Result of Foreign Migration or Indigenous Need?
Natalie M. Susmann | Tufts University

The Aural History of the Public Sphere
Maurice Chammah | Cornell University

The Early Reception of Ludwig von Mises in Britain
Ian Kumekawa | Harvard University

Review: Death Squads or Self-Defense Forces? How Paramilitary Groups Emerge and Challenge Democracy in Latin America
Aaron W. Korenewsky | Tufts University

Editorial: Mahmood Mamdani, the Darfur Conflict, & the Danger of Overlooking Origins
Claire Cooley | Tufts University

Editorial: Origins of Great Indian Filmmaking- Satyajit Ray and the Apu Trilogy
Shreya Maitra | Tufts University

Editorial: Stare Decisis in Han China? Dong Zhongshu, the Chunqiu, and the Systemization of Law
Norman P. Ho | Georgetown University

Tufts Historical Review Vol II:


Publication Date: Spring 2009
Editors-in-Chief: Benjamin J. Sacks & Nicholas F. Russell

Interview: Gordon S. Wood

Interview: Charles S. Maier

Alternative to Wang Anshi (1021-1086): The Political Thought of Lü Gongzhu (1018-1089)
Norman Ho | Harvard University

Impact of Religion on the Governance of Scotland’s Darien Colony, 1698-1700
Christopher Armstrong | Oxford University

Italy’s Red Glow: Reasons Behind the United States’ Intervention in the Italian Election of 1948 
Jamie Bufkin | University of San Diego

Opium Smoking and the Politics of Association in England, Hong Kong, and Mainland China
Max Clarke | Northwestern University

Asian-African Relations in Twentieth-Century Kenya
Sarah Mass | Tufts University

Civil Rights on the Market: Support and Opposition for the Public Accommodations Bill in the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Andrew Tillet-Saks | Columbia University

Commentary: The Triumph of Socialist Fundamentalism Over Economic Reality- Party-Village Patronage in Wugong Village
Daniel Andreeff | Northwestern University

Editorial: Can the Law Substitute for Morality?
Nicholas F. Russell | Tufts University

Editorial: Eva Péron- The Political Power and Influence of Argentina’s First Lady
Vittoria Elliott | Tufts University

Editorial: Its Own Backyard- The European Union’s Relationship with Its Continental Neighbors
John Peter G. Kaytrosh | Tufts University

Editorial: Why Yesterday’s Poor Governance is the Piracy, Anarchy, and Rebellion of Tomorrow
Aaron W. Korenewsky | Tufts University

Review: Cleopatra- The Last Queen of Egypt
Laura E. Taronas | Tufts University

Review: Frost/Nixon- The Watergate Interviews
Michael W. Elmets | Tufts University

Review: From Exclusion to Empowerment- Chinese American Women in New England
Kelsey Anderson | Tufts University

Tufts Historical Review Vol I:


Publication Date: Spring 2008
Editors-in-Chief: Shreya Maitra & Benjamin Sacks

Cosmopolitan Slavery
Michael Skocay 

Delay and Clinton
Meredith Pickett

A Path to Decolonization: British Reactions to the Winds of Change
Benjamin J. Sacks

Whalom Park and the Rise of Commercialized Leisure, 1903-1915
Kyle Vangel

A Cause of Their Own: Women and the American Rights Revolution
Duncan Pickard

Review: History is Laced with Shoes
Jessie Waters

Review: Bias and Truth- A Tarnished Legacy
Matthew Sobin

Review: Puritan Conquistadors- Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700
Nicholas F. Russell

Review: Romancing the Golden Age- The Enigma of Queen Elizabeth I in Commonwealth Lore
Benjamin J. Sacks

Review: The 126.5% Increase in Enrollments in Arabic Courses in US Higher Learning Institutions Since 2002- How Does This Trend Reflect Conditions in America and How Does it Manifest Itself at Tufts?
Claire Cooley