Project Title: Development of Bioelectronic Scaffolds for Hybrid Brain Tissue

Team Members: Zainab Olushoga, Diamond Mensah, Enrique Rodriguez (Find out more on the Team Page!)

PI / Mentor(s): Dr. Brian Timko, Dr. David Kaplan

Project Description:

Bioelectronic devices embedded within the hybrid, engineered tissues could provide stable, long-term readouts of tissue function. We will achieve and optimize flexible, porous scaffolds that provide signals from up to 32 spatially-distinct locations. We will then embed these scaffolds within a 3D brain tissue model to obtain readouts of neural activity. Time permitting, we will apply algorithms to quantify changes in synaptic connectivity over time.

This will allow for the monitoring of electronic signals in live organoids, specifically in brain tissue. The monitoring is essential for understanding tissues that have systemic signalings such as cardiac tissue or brain tissue. Using the bioelectronic chips will allow for the creation of tissues that are more representative of actual tissues.