Research & Evaluation Reports

Select Research & Evaluation Reports

Environmental Justice, Fair Housing, and Fair Lending: Towards a Strategic Collaborative Model, Prepared for Alternatives for Community and Environment (ACE), Roxbury, Massachusetts (June 2024)

Advancing Fair Housing in Greater Boston, Massachusetts: Voices from the Field, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Former Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (2024)

The Mayor’s Office of Black Male Advancement: Recommendations for Action 2023, Prepared for the Black Men and Boys Commission, City of Boston (2023)

Great Migration to Global Immigration: A Profile of Black Boston, Co-author, Boston Indicators, The Boston Foundation, Embrace Boston (April 2023)

Giving Boston and the Twin Pandemics: From Moment to Movement, Senior Researcher and Writer, New England Blacks in Philanthropy (February 2022)

The Story of Boston’s Higher Ground: Accomplishments, Challenges, and Lessons, 2010-2020, Senior Co-author, Higher Ground Boston (2021).

City of Boston Assessment of Fair Housing, Consultant and Researcher, and Co-author, (February 2021)

Latinix-Led Nonprofits in Boston Today: Contributions, Challenges, and Lessons Learned, Co-author, Prepared for Greater Boston Latino Network (October 2020)

A Racial Justice and Black Reconstruction Agenda for Boston, Massachusetts, Prepared for NAACP – Boston Branch (August 2020)

Select Black Economic and Business Data in Massachusetts 2020, Prepared for the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (May 2020)

Community Visions from the Fairmount Corridor Project: Impressions and Ideas of Two Decades of Change, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Boston Foundation (December 2019)

Analysis of Boston’s Foreign-Born Labor Force: Past, Present and Future, Senior Co-author, Prepared for Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development and Boston Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (October 2018)

J. Jennings and L. DeSouza, Preliminary Assessment of MBK Boston Mini-Grants, First Steps, Next Steps, Prepared for My Brother’s Keeper, MBK-Boston (July 2017)

J. Jennings, M. Uriarte, J. Douglas, Silent Crisis II: A Follow-up Analysis of Latino/a Civic Participation in Chelsea and Boston, Massachusetts, Prepared for the Greater Boston Latino Network and the Gaston Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston (June 2017)

Consulting Partner and Researcher, BuildBPS 10-Year Educational and Facilities Master Plan; (March 2017), Prepared for the Boston Public Schools, Boston, Massachusetts.

The Mattahunt Wheelock Partnership: A Case Study, Prepared for Wheelock College (Boston, Massachusetts) and the Mattahunt Community Center in Mattapan, Massachusetts (2016)

Mapping Momentum for Boston Youth: Programs & Opportunities for Black and Latino Young Men, Co-author, Prepared for The Barr Foundation and The Hyams Foundation (Spring 2016)

Bridges & Barriers: A Survey of Massachusetts College Access & Success Programs, Co-author, The Aspire Institute, Wheelock College, Boston, Massachusetts (October 2016)

Understanding Gentrification and Displacement: Community Voices and Changing Neighborhoods, Senior Co-author, Prepared for Alternatives for Community and Environment (ACE), Roxbury, Massachusetts (August 2016)

Blacks in Massachusetts: Comparative Demographic, Social and Economic Experiences with Whites, Latinos, and Asians, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Trotter Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston and the John D. O’Bryant Institute, Northeastern University (December 2015)

Development without Displacement: Spatial Face of Gentrification in Boston, Massachusetts, Prepared for the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (June 2014)

M. Uriarte, J. Jennings, and J. Douglas, The Silent Crisis-Including Latinos and Why It Matters: Representation in the City Governments of Boston, Chelsea, and Somerville, Massachusetts, Prepared for the Greater Boston Latino Network, Boston, Massachusetts (2014)

Social, Demographic, and Economic Profile of Young Black and Latino Males Boston, Massachusetts 2010 – 2018, Prepared for the Barr Foundation (April 2014)

Select Profile of Poverty – Dudley Village Campus, Dudley Square, Dudley Triangle, and Grove Hall, Prepared for Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (April 2014)

Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Creating Jobs and Strengthening the U.S. Economy in Growing Industries, Prepared for Immigrant Learning Center in Malden, Massachusetts (April 2013)

Public Education in Boston, the Big Picture: Dialogues Between the BPS Superintendent and Elder Black Educators, Prepared for the Boston Public Schools (January 2013)

Boston Housing Authority and Boston Public Schools: Exploring Academic Collaboration, Prepared for the Boston Housing Authority (October 2012)

Black Churches and Neighborhood Empowerment in Boston, Massachusetts 1960s and 1970s, Lessons for Today, William Monroe Trotter Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston (June 2012)

The State of Black Boston: A Select Demographic and Community Profile, Prepared for the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts and the William Monroe Trotter Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston (2010)

Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Workers in Leisure and Hospitality Businesses: Massachusetts and New England, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Immigrant Learning Center, Malden, MA (May 2010)

Public Health and Spatial Inequality in Boston – Children Review of Select Findings in the National Health Interview Survey, Co-author, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (2009)

Place-based Service Delivery & Strategic Collaboration in Boston’s Distressed Neighborhoods: Framework for Planning and Action, Prepared for the The Barr Foundation, Boston, MA (June 2009)

Latinos in Worcester, MA: Demographic and Education Profiles, Latino Education Institute, Worcester State College (June 2009)

Community-based Nonprofits and Neighborhood Distress in Boston, Massachusetts, Prepared for the The Barr Foundation, Boston, MA (February 2009)

Immigrant Workers in the Massachusetts Health Care Industry, Co-author, Prepared for The Immigrant Learning Center in Malden, MA (May 2008)

Impacts and Responses to ‘Spatial Concentrations’ of Foreclosures in Massachusetts Communities of Color, William Monroe Trotter Institute University of MA Boston (March 2008)

Latino Faith-based Organizations and Community Development: Introductory Guide for Latino Churches In Lawrence, Massachusetts, Prepared for the Community Development and Enterprise Center and Northern Essex Community College (June 2006)

Community-Based Organizations and the Nonprofit Sector in Massachusetts: Where Do We Go From Here? Prepared for the University College of Citizenship and Public Service, Tufts University (2005)

Latinos in Lawrence, Massachusetts: The Making of Community, Co-editer, Prepared for the Community and Enterprise Development Center and Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence, MA (2005)

The Demonstration Disposition Program in Boston, 1994 to 2001: A Program Evaluation, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Massachusetts Finance Housing Agency (2002)

The CITAP Program in Massachusetts: Designing and Implementing a Racially and Ethnically-diverse Employment and Training Model in the Construction and Transportation Industries, co-author and published under the auspices of the William Monroe Trotter Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston (2002)

Report of the Urban Edge Housing Corporation and Dimock Community Health Center Merger Planning Project (2001)

Latino Businesses in Lawrence, Massachusetts: A Profile and Analysis, Co-author, Prepared for the Institute for Community and Workforce Development at Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence, MA (2000)

Investing in the Mattapan Neighborhood: A Community-Building Report, Prepared for The United Way of Massachusetts (1999)

Economic Development and Inner Cities in Massachusetts: Recommendations for Expanding the Capacity of Small Businesses and Micro-enterprises, Senior Co-author, The William Monroe Trotter Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston (1996)

Vocational Technical Education in Boston: Towards Accountability, Prioritization, and Decentralization, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Massachusetts Department of Education (1990)

Vocational Education in Massachusetts and The Future of Young Minority Citizens, Senior Co-author, Prepared for the Massachusetts Department of Education (1988)