Our Team

Core Team

Drusilla Brown
Principal Investigator
Department of Economics

Laura Babbitt
Principal Investigator
Department of Psychology

Ava Durant
Program Manager
Department of Economics

Better Work

Mary Davis
Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Ann Rappaport
Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Rajeev Dehejia
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Better Factories Cambodia

Rajeev Dehejia
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Rayomond Robertson
Bush School of Government and Public Service

Myanmar RCT

Nimah Mazaheri
Department of Political Science

Indonesia Gender Study

Nimah Mazaheri
Department of Political Science

Richard Eichenberg
Department of Political Science

Women in Factories

Negin Toosi
Department of Psychology

Global Alliance

Ann Rappaport
Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Jayanthi Mistry
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development

Francine Jacobs
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development

Beth Rosenberg
Tufts University Medical School

Empowering Women through Humane Workplaces

Aryana Satrya
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia

Le Dang Trung
RT Analytics, Vietnam

Sari Wahyuni
Vice Director of the Post Graduate Studies of Management, University of Indonesia

Yanki Hartijasti
University of Indonesia

Past Core Members of Team

Ana Antolin
Program Manager
Department of Economics

Elyse Voegeli
Senior Researcher
Harvard MPP Graduate

Dirayati Djaya
Program Manager
Department of Economics

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