“Explaining Africa’s Growth Puzzle”, (with Xinshen Diao and Dani Rodrik)
“Special Economic Zones as a Catalyst for Structural Change”, (with Brian McCaig and Marina Ngoma)
“A Small Business Map of Tanzania”, (with Mia Ellis and Cynthia Kinnan)
“Foreign direct investment and knowledge diffusion in poor locations: Evidence from Ethiopia. No. w24461. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018. (with Girum Abebe and Michel Serafinelli)
“The recent growth boom in developing economies: A structural change perspective”, (with Xinshen Diao and Dani Rodrik) No. w23132. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017.
“Chinese Investment in Africa: How Much Do We Know?” (with Deborah Brautigam, Xinshen Diao and Jed Silver), featured in PEDL/DFID Policy Insights