Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

New Year, New Look

Happy 2013, all!

After a semester getting my grad school sea-legs I’m excited to announce some new changes to the blog. We’ve launched a plan to get more content from more authors to better represent the diversity that is the Tufts Museum Studies programs. So, what you can expect is a new schedule and some new voices on the blog.

As you may have noticed, Museums in the News was published last night. This will now be a Sunday feature in our new line-up:

  • Monday: Alumna Madeline Karp will regale us with Dispatches from the Mid-Atlantic chronicling her museum adventures, the articles she reads, her perspective on goofing off in galleries and all the ways that she’s putting her Museum Education MA to good use.
  • Wednesday: Current students Cathy Sigmond, Cira Louise Brown and Kacie Rice will explore their experiences and investigations into how science museums tick. They’ll be kicking off this week with an introduction, then jumping in to alternate columns each week to give a variety of approaches and perspectives.
  • Friday: Watch out for our Weekly Jobs Round-Up! Although we’re by no means a comprehensive listing of jobs in the museum field, check our weekly blast for the latest jobs that we’ve heard of that we think are in need of a Tufts student/grad.
  • Sunday: Keep up to date with Museums in the News, the top stories about museums published in newspapers and magazines outside the field. We try to grab from a broad geographic and subject pool, and it’ll keep you in the loop.

Also watch out for occasional columns, including my own, Box? What Box?, which will highlight museums who are pushing the edge, new ideas for technology, or articles of interest.

If you’d like to write for the blog, or you have comments, questions, ideas, or random posts, articles, or cartoons to send our way, don’t hesitate to email us at tufts.museum.blog@gmail.com

Happy New Year, everyone!




  1. Cynthia

    Wonderful new look, Phillippa, and an exciting lineup of writers.I look forward to reading.

  2. Phillippa Pitts

    Thanks, Cynthia! I’m looking forward to hearing from the wider group, myself. It’s amazing how much knowledge and experience we collectively have to share!

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