For those of us in the Boston area, hopefully you are all enjoying this snowy day! First of all, thank you each and every one of you who took the time to complete the recent survey for the Blog. Each of your responses helps us understand what we’re doing well, what you as the reader want out of the blog, and how we can expand into new areas. That said, here are the results of the survey and what new things you can expect to see on the blog in the future:
- Jobs Postings: The overwhelming majority of respondents indicated that jobs postings were the most important category of postings they want to see on the blog. As many of you also indicated that you would like to see the jobs postings categorized by region of the US, going forward the jobs postings will have jobs broken up by region within the posting.
- New Post Series: Many of you indicated that you would like to see new and different post series on the Blog. You also noted that you would like to see more Museums in the News and Professional Development postings. These, as well as a new series called Museum Questions (where we address and discuss interesting and sometimes difficult questions we deal with as museum professionals), will be expanded and/or created in the near future. Keep an eye out!
- Alumni Connections: To maintain our ties with the Tufts Museum Studies alumni out in the world, we’d like to begin doing periodic alumni interviews where we talk about life after grad school, your jobs, and advice for incoming students or emerging museum professionals. If you are an alumni and are interested in being interviewed, please email the blog at We’d love to hear from you!
Again, thank you to all who responded to the survey and who read the blog weekly. We wouldn’t be here without you!
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