Here’s an exciting announcement from the Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History in Weston, MA:
“Ask any stamp collector and they will tell you that one of the best ways to learn about history is through the hobby of philately. The Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History at Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts strongly believes that collecting stamps greatly helps in the study of historical events. As a result the Museum now produces a monthly TV show that highlights historic events and birthdays of famous people for each day of the month that have been commemorated on stamps.
This fifteen minute video entitled “Going Postal” is produced in connection with the local Cable-TV station Weston Media and is filmed and edited by high school student intern David Sabot. Museum Educator Henry Lukas narrates the show and takes viewers on a visual tour of many of the United States stamps connected to past events of each month. For extra measure, student filmographer Sabot adds a few humorous touches.
The show is being aired on a number of local cable outlets and is also available on the web at or at the link
In addition to the narrating the show, Lukas prepares a monthly almanac calendar featuring many of the stamps shown on the show. People wishing to obtain a calendar each month should email the Museum at More information is also available at 617-784-5838.”
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