Converging Paths and Common Goals

Archaeology, History, Science, Interpretation, and Education                                      

 October 13, 2017

The Archaelogical Institute of America and the Museum of Science are hosting a summit for heritage educators and those in affiliated fields at the Museum of Science in Boston.

If you are a heritage educator or in an affiliated field, we invite you to join us for a daylong summit where we will identify and highlight successful practices, provide participants with hands on experiences and practical advice, and encourage networking and collaboration among those of us who are engaged in similar efforts and share the same passion for reaching out to the public. We are looking for participants from a wide variety of backgrounds, including museums, historical societies, schools, historic parks, governmental agencies, non-profits, and living history groups to explore public outreach programs through shared and divergent lenses.

Join us for this unique professional development opportunity!

Date:     October 13, 2017

Place:    Museum of Science, 1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114

Register Now:

Preliminary Schedule

8am                       Welcome and Icebreaker

8:30-9:15              Heritage Education Perspectives on Outreach Part I (panel)

9:15-10:05           Bringing the Community Together: Archaeology Fairs

10:30-11:20         Archaeology and STEM

11:20-12:30         Heritage Education Perspectives on Outreach Part II (group discussion)

12:30-1                 Future Plans and Concluding remarks

1pm                       Lunch together in cafeteria (optional)

Sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America and the Museum of Science, Boston